International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 508
A Detailed Guide to Android 11
Mr. Shubham Randive
Student, Semester-III, MSC(I.T.), Keraleeya Samajam’s Model College, Dombivali East, Thane, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - Android 11 is shaping the leading edge of mobile
innovation with advanced machine-learning. Android 11
contains a various features such as Live option, foldables, 5G
networks, smart reply in notifications, Dark Theme, Gesture
Navigation, Setting panels, sharing shortcut, focus mode,
family link, location restrictions, protection from device
tracking, limiting application access to external storage,
enterprise security, Device-specific security measures. Android
11 is better in performance as compared to android 10 and in
some parts to IOS 14.
Key Words: Features; Android 11 vs Android 10;Android 11
vs 1OS 14; Pros and Cons;
Android is software platform and operating system for
mobile devices, based on the Linux kernel, and developed by
Google and later the Open Handset Alliance. Android 11 is
built around three important themes. Android 11 is shaping
the forefront of mobile innovation with advanced machine-
learning and support for emerging devices like foldables and
5G enabled phones. Android 11 has a main focus on privacy
and security, with many features that give users greater
protection, transparency, and control. Finally, Android 11
expands users' digital wellbeing controls so individuals and
families can find a better balance with technology. Android
11 was launched in September 8 2020 but not available on
many mobiles.
Native screen recording
Google has been playing around with native screen
recording feature since the early builds of Android 10. In
Android 11 new Screen Record icon is there in the Quick
Settings selections on top of the display. We expect this
feature to make it to the final version this time around.
Chat Bubbles in Android 11
Bubbles are basically like Facebook Messenger chat heads
but for the other applications. The feature was actually
launched with Android 10. Google is finally bringing it to the
forefront. It works with applications like Telegram and
WhatsApp just fine.
Share menu pinning
The feature was introduced with Android 7 Nougat.
However, the current Android sharing menu has been a
mess. Android 11 will allow you to pin 4 apps you share to
the most frequently, to the top of share menu.
Mute notifications while video recording
Notifications can be irritating at many times, especially when
you are trying to click cute pictures of your pet. With
Android 11, Google is introducing a new camera Application
Programming Interface called setCameraAudioRestriction().
It will enable developers to allow their applications to mute
sounds, vibrations, or both while the camera app is open.
Airplane mode no longer kills Bluetooth
Till Android 10, turning on Airplane mode would also kill the
Bluetooth. However, it’s changing with Android 11. Now in
Android 11, Bluetooth stays on when Airplane mode is
Notification History
Early Android was not allowing you to review the
notifications you have dismissed. However, that feature is
changing with Android 11. The new Android 11 will
effectively recreate all the notifications you dismissed in the
Notification History feature.
Revoking permissions for unused apps
There is a new feature within the “App Permissions” section
of each applications. Enabling the option will automatically
revoke all permissions for the applications if you haven’t
used it for “a few months.”
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 509
Variable refresh rate
High refresh rate displays have been trending now a days.
And, Android 11 will let you set a preferred frame rate for
each window of applications and games. On devices that
support variable refresh rates, the system will use the
application’s preferred frame rate.
One-time permission
Early Android 10 lets apps grab your location, microphone,
or camera data only while the application is open. Now, with
Android 11 you will be able to approve those permissions
just a single time and the Operating System will revoke the
permission later.
Resume on boot
This new feature in Android 11 lets apps access Credential
Encrypted (CE) storage after the OTA reboot without the
user needing to first unlock the device. In layman terms, it
means that the apps can resume normal functionality and
receive messages properly.
Improved Project Mainline in Android 11
Android 10 brought the ability to update parts of Android
right from the Play Store. Now, the Android OS will allow
even more parts of Android to get updates without needing
to send out a full OTA.
Better curved display support
You know how applications and things like keyboards spill
over the edges on curved displays? It will change with the OS
as it will let developers specify the interactive area of a
New tech
Android 11 will combined with the new technologies
including foldable devices, 5G and in a better way. This
feature also includes low-latency video decoding for game
streaming services such as Google Stadia.
Scoped storage
Scoped storage was also present in beta builds of Android
10. Basically, in the interest of better security, the system
allows applications to only have access to certain parts of the
filesystem. Google says it has acknowledged the issues and
will give more time to developers to fully transition to the
new OS.
Redesigned power button menu
The power button menu in new Android 11 will mostly be
occupied by the fast controls for connected smart home
devices, including a live camera feed.
3. Android 11 vs IOS 14
Privacy: Privacy is easily the most important condition
of any digital device and both Apple and Google have
further improved their privacy features in the latest iOS
14 and Android 11. The privacy measures are improved
on iOS 14 is on a better margin as the iOS 14 is the first
ever iOS that will give notifications to the users
whenever an applications is using their camera and also
give them better control over what applications track
them. While with Android 11 they're offering One-time
permission for applications to access location data or
camera and microphone; this feature won't be always
active. Android 11 now uses scooped storage that'll
keep an application from using entire storage of device.
Here I think both iOS 14 and Android are tied as both
previously had those features.
Messaging: iMessenger is a highly used app on iPhone
for text messages and in iOS 14 they have improved it
by a lot and the users will now be able to enjoy the
popular features available on applications like
WhatsApp and Telegram. iOS14 also uses memoji that
can be used on Whatsapp and Telegram. In Android
they've incorporated Chat bubbles like we saw on
Facebook Messenger to make texting a lot easier and
much faster. Android 11 is the better than ios14 in the
messaging section as they are using the bubbles,
although iOS might go ahead next time.
Quick Settings: Android 11 has the biggest change in
the Quick setting function. Now that Android have
made changes in it, it looks quite impressive and has
added a music player widget to it (thumbs up to that)
while iOS 14 Quick settings function remains mostly
unchanged by they've added a few new toggles.iOS 14
Quick settings menu still looks much better than the
Android 11.
Camera: No new changes for camera in either iOS 14 or
Android 11.
Recent Apps: The new iOS 14 uses the same setup as
there was in previous few iOS versions while Android
11 definitely has the worst possible recent apps setting
as it displayed just 1 app at a time with a slight hint of
the other recent apps on the side.As someone who
constantly switches between the apps, this set-up is a
Widgets: And here we have the one of the best feature
of iOS 14, widgets have been around on Android for
long but they don't do more than telling the weather
but in iOS14 you get widgets for everything and you can
also easily create custom widgets for any application.
Even though Android was the first to launch these, iOS
has clearly done it better than Android.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 510
App clips/ instant apps: This is one of the best feature
to checkout any apps and I'm glad that it is now
available on iOS devices App clips is quite similar to the
Google Play Instant applications that was released in
2017. iOS14 app clips will enable apps to users to use
an app without downloading the app, and these app
clips will perform specific tasks like renting a car,
booking tickets (by incorporating it into Yelp). These
app clips can use no more than 10 MB of storage space
in device. Android OS already has this feature in
previous versions and it is a bit better than the one in
the iOS14 as you can even play games with Google Play
instant. Android applications are far much better than
IOS app clips.
Battery life: There is no improvements for battery in
either iOS 14 and Android 11. If they had, they'd be the
instant winner.
4.1 PROS
Improved security and app privacy options
Messaging improvements
Screen recording
Convenient media and smart home control
Many hardware choices
5G support
4.2 CONS
Most current Android phones won't get it
Some complication and inconsistency remain,
compared with iOS
Less energy with desktop and wearable ecosystem than
Here are some changes in Android 11:
Conversations in the notification shade
Android 11 is prioritizing seamless communication as there
is now a dedicated section called Conversations at the top for
messages from various installed chat applications. Your
active message notifications will show up above all other
notifications. This makes sense since every app wants a piece
of the notification shade and things will be a little less mess
up now. You can focus better on active conversations.
Besides, there are two more sections Alerting Notifications
and Silent Notifications. You can now prioritize notifications
from your favorite contacts or conversations to appear up
top and bypass the DND restriction.
Chat Bubbles
The Chat bubbles will let you keep several active
conversations on your home screen. Chat bubbles should
work like the FB messenger bubbles, but other messaging
apps in the Google Play store will be able to efficiently
implement them. To activate the bubbles, all you need to do
is long-press on the message notification and select the
option to open in a bubble.
Super Power Menu
Android 11 has got the new super Power Menu, which lets
you manage connected IoT appliances as well as
bank/payment providers from a single screen. You will still
have the Emergency button and boot options here.
Pin Apps in the Android Share menu
Android 11 has an option to pin applications you frequently
share with to the top of the list. The option was there in
Android 10 Beta but was removed in the final version. I hope
this time it’s here to stay.
One Time Permissions
You can now give applications permission for just one time.
This way you can give apps not fully trust permission to use
your camera, or your location just for once instead of lifetime
access. And this is definitely a big step forward for better
user privacy.
Further, it also presents a settings element known as
Permissions reset, which will automatically clear all
permissions from apps that you haven’t used in a while.
When this process is done, you’ll be notified of course.
Native Screen Recording
Custom skins from most of the Android manufacturers
already have native screen recording feature, and the stock
Android 11 will now have one as well.
The feature was a part of Android 10 beta but was later
removed. On Android 11, screen recording can be accessed
through quick settings.
Check what Codecs your Headphones support
Unlike on Android 10, the Bluetooth Audio Codec selection in
Android 11 developer options greys out codecs that are not
supported. The Android 10 has the option as well, but
unsupported codecs are not greyed out. You can also switch
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 511
between the supported codecs as headphones don’t always
use the best option by default.
Option to check the Display Refresh Rate
With the high refresh rate screens increasingly becoming
common, Google has added an option to show refresh rate
under developer settings. This is great since you won’t have
to move through shady apps to check if your phone’s screen
is actually refreshing as advertised.
Media Controls Carousel
Media Controls carousel in Quick Settings. Users would also
be able to resume the playback after the session gets closed
or canceled or even after a device reboot.
In over research we have discussed about the features,
security and performance of Android version 11.We also
compared Android 11 with Android 10 and IOS14. The
performance comparison of Android 11 was much more
better and secured than Android 10.