Internal Audit Checklist November 2021 edition
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Adapted from Second Unitarian Church of Omaha
With assistance from UUA Compensation Consultants
Sample months used by auditors:
I. Financial
A. Payroll expenses
A1. Review payroll information for selected time
periods. Verify that the amount paid can be
tracked to authorized time sheets for hourly
employees and contracts for monthly employees.
Verify that each time sheet contains a valid
supervisory signature.
A2. Identify federal and state withholdings for the
selected pay periods. Using IRS Form 941 and
State Form 941N verify that the withholding
payments were recorded correctly, and then verify
that they were paid in a timely manner.
A3. For the same time periods, verify Board
authorization for any benefits or voluntary
withholdings provided other than FICA match.
Verify that these payments were recorded correctly
and then verify that they were paid in a timely
A4. If any manual payroll checks were prepared
outside of the Paychex system, examine the
paperwork and authorizations
A5. Verify that W2 forms exist for all employees.
Recalculate one employee for each audited year.
A6. Examine all 1099 payments. Work with
Treasurer to verify that all necessary 1099s were
A6. Is State of Nebraska notified of all new hires?
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B. Bank statements and check register
B1. For the selected sampling periods, compare
the bank statement balance to the cash balance on
the monthly balance sheet. Using bank
reconciliation reports, Identify timing differences
and other discrepancies
B2. Pull 3 deposit slips for each month and track
the detail per the deposit slip to records in Power
Church. Identify discrepancies.
B3. Review check register for entire audit period,
paying special attention to any voided, missing or
reissued checks. Ask for clarifying information as
B4. Identify any checks made payable to members
of the Board or non-payroll checks made payable
to church employees. Pull documentation for all
such checks over $500, and random sample
C. Determine accuracy and adequacy of
Treasurer’s reports.
C1. Review checks written. Match the checks from
a selected sample month to the checks reflected on
the monthly income statement. Do the totals
match? Spot check the individual items. Is a check
present for the proper amount and in the proper
expense line?
C2. Examine the notes from the Treasurer’s reports
for any activity that needs follow up. Are there
items not resolved?
C3. Determine reason(s) for significant variances of
actual spending over budgeted amounts, both for
individual line items and for program groups which
are often subtotaled.
C4. Inspect the general ledger. Investigate any
checks made payable to “Cash.” Does everything
appear to be in order?
C5. Examine restricted vs. unrestricted funds as
noted on balance sheet. Recalculate for the
sample months
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D. Determine if income and expenses are
properly recorded.
D1. Review monthly financial reports that compare
budget projections to actual spending. Are written
explanations provided for line variances
significantly over or under projections?
D2. For the months being sampled, compare
investment balances per the Income Statement
against monthly investment records.
D3. Determine a sampling of payments being
made. Compare each invoice, date received,
check written, and date paid. Are any bills being
held or paid late?
D4. Look for duplicate Accounts Payable payments
by scanning the general ledger check amount
column. For each repeating amount verify there is
an appropriate invoice.
D5. Examine Minister’s Discretionary Fund for
adherence to Board and IRS policy. If any checks
were made to employees of the church, verify that
the amounts were included in employees’ W2s for
the year. If unable to examine the records directly,
ask for written statement from minister.
D6. Examine VISA bank cards for minister, DRE,
Office Administrator and others with cards issued
directly to them. Look for unusual activity and
adherence to Policy
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II. Documents
A. Check that documents have been filed as
A1. Verify timely, accurate filing to government
entities of: Nonprofit Corporation Biennial Report to
the State of Nebraska, Nebraska Sales Tax-
Exempt Status Letter, and certificates to maintain
tax-exempt status on church-owned property
A2. Review employment documents including
employment contracts, current W4s and I-9s
A3. Review documents in the safe deposit box and
inspect signature cards.
A4. Examine and verify that properly executed
signature cards exist for safe deposit box, checking
account and money market accounts
A5. Verify that safe deposit box keys are in the
possession of the Board Chair and the Treasurer.
A6. Examine Letter of Credit or mortgage payments
for authorization by the Board
A7. Key procedures
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III. Records
A. Verify records are being properly maintained
and secured.
A1. Review copies of letters sent to those who
pledge or contribute to the church. Randomly call
or write a few members asking them to verify that
the information sent is accurate. Also verify
pledged amount.
A2. Check policies manual of the congregation for
any policies added. Verify consistency between
Board policies and meeting Minutes.
A3. Verify rental agreements are being charged in
accordance with policies and that payments are
A4. Examine actual records retention vs. the policy
A 5. Current policy requires file cabinets to be
locked when not in use, and office computer to be
password protected.
A6. Are network files backed up regularly with data
stored offsite?
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IV. Processes
A. Verify there is proper authorization for
A1. Are the policies regarding invoice authorization
and approval being followed? Do the owners of
each budget line provide written approval of the
A2. Trace a sample of approved invoices to the
ledger and to canceled checks showing payment.
Are the amount, date, check number, and payee
the same?
A3. Trace a sample of canceled checks to the
expense ledger and to approved invoices.
B. Verify cash receipt process is documented,
complete, and adequate.
B1. Observe the process for counting the plate
collection and documentation for deposits.
Are any discrepancies explained?
B2. Review the procedures for counting cash and
check collections. Are the procedures clear and
B3. Review the forms used to record the count.
Can all cash be properly accounted for and
B4. Are any funds received which do not go
through the counting process?
Do all funds collected flow through this process?
B5. Review the list of accounting personnel and
compare it to the group of record-keeping people to
ensure that none of the people counting funds are
also doing record-keeping.
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C. Policy checks. The auditors should check
that Board policies and motions are being
carried out, in this case, in the financial area
and review the budgeting process for
C1. Read Board Minutes, annual meeting Minutes,
and special meeting Minutes to look for any policies
that affect the financial area.
C2. Check that expenditures are being made in
accordance with policies and resolutions of the
Board and congregation.
C3. Is the current budget development process
adequate with representation of both the Finance
Coordinating Council and the Board?
D. Electronic Transactions
D1. Check for appropriate segregation of duties
and roles/responsibilities.
D1. Check who can authorize electronic
D2. Check who has login and password information
on online accounts.
D3. Are passwords periodically updated? Who is
D4. Is there a current list of electronic accounts
listing who has access?
E. Endowments
D1. Are withdrawals from endowments consistent
with purpose?
D2. Are endowment investments consistent with
F. Insurance and Bonding
F1. Is there adequate insurance and/or bonding for
directors, officers, and those who handle money?
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G. Transitions
G1. Is there a clear set of instructions for what
needs to be changed when those who handle
financial issues and/or accounts change - the
treasurer, bookkeeper, congregational
administrator, and others?
G2. Are there clear instructions for key financial
and security processes (payroll, benefits, year-end
process, etc.) so the new incumbent can perform
their job?
H. Payroll and Benefits Administration
H1. Are benefit plans being administered
consistently with Plan rules?
H2. How are appropriate staff and lay leaders
trained regarding key benefit plan information,
including eligibility, enrollment windows, and payroll
and tax implications?
H3. Who is making use of UUA resources,
including the Pay Administration Checklist, Benefits
Administration Checklist, and Benefits Tune-up
Workbook? (See Legal Requirements on