Internal Audit
Travel & Entertainment
Expense/PCard Learning Session
October 2016
DRAFT – for discussion purposes only
General Note
This following references to the CWRU Business Policies are not intended to
replace the Business Policies on the CWRU website*: but to serve as a guide to common
observations we find during our review process.
DRAFT – for discussion purposes only
*Note the references to the University Business policies in the subsequent pages are as of October 2016. As such, we
recommend visiting the University’s Business Policies website on a periodic basis to check for updates to the applicable policies.
FY16 T&E Material
DRAFT – for discussion purposes only
University Travel Policy – Two Necessary Starting Points
1. Policy requires that all travelers must be familiar with all relevant CWRU
policies prior to their trip to ensure full reimbursement of expenses. Lack of
awareness is not a valid rationale for out-of-policy spend.
2. Policy mandates that all travel is pre-approved by the travelers supervisor.
This should be done prior to advance booking, except under exceptional
circumstances. Internal procedures can be developed by an administrative
unit to support this as a matter of budgetary control. It is strongly
recommended that an email trail of pre-approval, at a minimum, be used
so there is no confusion about the trip and/or its budget after the fact.
DRAFT – for discussion purposes only
AMEX Travel and Expense Card
As a preferred alternative to personal credit cards, CWRU offers travelers the
use of an American Express Travel and Expense Card. Among a number of
features, card expenses are paid directly to American Express and credited to
cardholder accounts once the cards expense reports are approved in
PeopleSoft Financials. Cardholders have no adverse impact on their credit
(FICO) score for the card application or the card’s policy-supported use.
Payments are sent via electronic funds transfer (EFT) each business day to
American Express. Over 99% of all card payments are successfully posted by
AMEX within three business days of AP approval.
Cards must be limited to policy-supported business (no personal use)
Payments must be made through the PeopleSoft Travel And Expense Module
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AMEX Travel and Expense Card - continued
Payments for American Express T&E Card accounts in the PeopleSoft
Travel and Expense Module must have “Payment Typedesignated as
“T&E Card (CWRU)” for payments to flow toAmerican Express for the
crediting of their account. Personal reimbursements and AMEX payments
can be included on the same report, as long as personal expense
reimbursements are designated with the “Personal Out-of-Pocket” payment
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
References to CWRU Business
Policies on Common T&E Problems
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Common Observation: Lack of Sufficient Documentation
Travel Policy
Per the University Travel Policy, reimbursements must include an explanation of the
business purpose for the expense and the receipt must detail the date, location, and
amount of the expense. Asufficient form of supporting documentation would be an
itemized receipt (e.g., hotel receipt detailing the date, location, number of nights, and the
cost per night plus tax).
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: Spousal Meal/Travel Reimbursement
Travel & Meal and Entertainment Policy
Per the Meal & Entertainment Policy, generally, entertainment expenses for spouses or
spousal equivalents of University employees are not reimbursable. However, such
expenses may be reimbursable if the inclusion of the University spouse or equivalent
serves a bona fide business purpose (e.g., fundraising or recruiting).
Per the Travel Policy, no travel-related expenses for spouses, dependents, or other
persons accompanying employees on University travel will be reimbursed unless such
travel provides a clear and direct benefit to the University. The provost or chief financial
officer should approve the individual’s presence on the trip in advance.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: Lack of Business Purpose for a Meal /
Meal and Entertainment Policy
The Meals & Entertainment Policy requires meal reimbursements to include detailed,
original receipts as well as the following information:
List of items ordered (including alcohol) and gratuity paid;
List of names, titles and affiliations of the individuals in attendance for groups of
more than 10 people, a general description of the group is sufficient; and
The educational, business, or research purpose of the meal
Any alcohol expense incurred as part of the business meal must be charged to account
code 599020.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Example of Leading Practice
Meals and Entertainment Policy requires meal reimbursements to include detailed, original
receipts as well as the following information:
The educational,
business, or research
purpose of the meal
The date
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Name of individual(s)
in attendance
List of items (including
alcohol) and gratuity
Alcohol must be charged
separately to account
code 599020
Common Observation: Birthdays & Other Social Occasions
Meal and Entertainment Policy
The Meals & Entertainment Policy states that University funds cannot be used to sponsor
a gathering or function for employees in recognition of birthdays or other similar social,
non-business occasions. Expenses for entertainment must be related directly to or
associated with the active conduct of University business.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
FY16 PCard Material
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
References to CWRU Business
Policies on Common PCard Problems
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: Keeping Your PCard Confidential
PCard Policy
Per PCard Policy, cardholders are responsible for securing PCards in the same manner
that cash and checks are handled. Cardholders may not share or lend their PCard to
others and must keep the PCard number confidential.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: Lack of Monthly Reconciliations
PCard Policy
Per PCard Policy, monthly reconciliations are required. Leading practice is that
reconciliations be independently prepared and reviewed/approved in a timely manner. If
there is an error on the account, the cardholder must contact the supplier to resolve the
error or complete a “charge dispute form.”
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: PCard Transactions Incurring Sales Tax
PCard Policy
Per PCard Policy, purchases made on PCards should not incur sales tax (in most states).
Cardholders are responsible for informing suppliers that the University is exempt from
sales tax or contacting the supplier to have the tax reversed after a purchase. Vendors or
suppliers who have not previously done business with the University may ask for a copy
of the University’s sales and use tax exemption form. Procurement Services maintains
these exemptions for a number of states, and can provide copies of the forms upon
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: PCard Used for Prohibited Purchases
PCard Policy
The PCard Policy restricts certain purchases on the PCard. The following includes
examples of commonly purchased items that are prohibited:
Bulk office supplies
Food and beverages (available on the DCard)
Copier supplies
Refer to Exhibit B in the PCard Policy for a complete list of prohibited categories.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Common Observation: Splitting Transactions to Circumvent
Monthly/Single Transaction Dollar Limits
PCard Policy
The PCard Policy states that the relevant Finance Director and Procurement Department
will authorize a monthly credit limit as well as a single purchase dollar amount limit for all
PCards. Cardholders may not split a purchase into more than one transaction to
circumvent these dollar thresholds.
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Helpful Contacts
DRAFT for discussion purposes only
Department / Topic Contact Phone
Compliance Lisa Palazzo 368-5791
Travel Services Michael Kurutz 368-6092
PCard Policy Mandy Carte 368-2595
PCard Administrator David Stout 368-4474
Procurement /
Accounts Payable
Mandy Carte
Judy Gilchrist