BlackBerry UEM
Windows 10 Planning and Deployment
Introduction toWindows 10deployment withBlackBerry UEM.......................... 5
Key features forWindows 10devices inUEM.....................................................................................................5
Checklist for managing devices withUEMonly................................................. 8
Checklist for managing devices withUEMand SCCM....................................... 9
EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM....................................... 10
Enrolling a device to be managed withBlackBerry UEM.................................................................................. 10
Create an activation profile forWindows 10devices............................................................................10
SimplifyingWindows 10activations....................................................................................................... 11
Activate aWindows 10device................................................................................................................ 14
Install a certificate to activate aWindows 10device withWindows Autopilot....................................15
Enrolling an unmanaged device withBlackBerry Access for Windows........................................................... 16
Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices............. 17
Import SCCM group policies toUEM................................................................................................................. 17
Restricting or allowing device capabilities.........................................................................................................17
Setting device password requirements.............................................................................................................. 18
HowBlackBerry UEMchooses which IT policy to assign................................................................................ 18
Creating and managing IT policies.....................................................................................................................18
Create an IT policy....................................................................................................................................18
Copy an IT policy...................................................................................................................................... 18
Rank IT policies.........................................................................................................................................19
View an IT policy...................................................................................................................................... 19
Change an IT policy..................................................................................................................................19
Remove an IT policy from user accounts or user groups..................................................................... 19
Delete an IT policy....................................................................................................................................20
Export IT policies...................................................................................................................................... 20
Sending certificates to devices using profiles...................................................................................................20
Choosing profiles to send client certificates to devices....................................................................... 21
Sending CA certificates to devices......................................................................................................... 21
Using SCEP to send client certificates to devices.................................................................................22
Setting up work email for devices......................................................................................................................23
Create an email profile.............................................................................................................................23
Create an IMAP/POP3 email profile....................................................................................................... 24
Using Exchange Gatekeeping..............................................................................................................................24
Allow a device to access Microsoft ActiveSync.................................................................................... 24
Block a device from accessing Microsoft ActiveSync...........................................................................25
Verifying that a device is allowed to access work email and organizer data.......................................25
Creating a gatekeeping profile.................................................................................................................25
Setting up work VPNs for devices......................................................................................................................26
Create a VPN profile.................................................................................................................................26
Enabling per-app VPN...............................................................................................................................27
Setting up work Wi-Fi networks for devices...................................................................................................... 27
Create aWi-Fiprofile................................................................................................................................27
Enforcing compliance rules for devices.............................................................................................................28
Create a compliance profile.....................................................................................................................28
Windows: Compliance profile settings....................................................................................................28
Setting up Windows Information Protection for Windows 10 devices............................................................ 31
Create aWindowsInformation Protection profile..................................................................................31
Windows 10: Windows Information Protection profile settings............................................................32
ManagingWindows 10devices that are enrolled inUEMand SCCM..............................................................36
Configuring policies in SCCM.................................................................................................................. 36
Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices............................. 38
ConnectingBlackBerry UEMtoMicrosoft Azure...............................................................................................38
Create a Microsoft Azure account.......................................................................................................... 39
SynchronizeMicrosoft Active DirectorywithMicrosoft Azure..............................................................39
Create an enterprise endpoint inAzure.................................................................................................. 39
Configuring BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business............................40
Specify the shared network location for storing internal apps........................................................................ 42
Add aWindows 10app to the app list.............................................................................................................. 43
Allowing users to install onlineWindows 10apps................................................................................ 43
Add an app category for a Windows 10 app..........................................................................................43
App behavior on Windows 10 devices............................................................................................................... 44
Setting up network connections forBlackBerry Dynamicsapps..................................................................... 45
Create aBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile............................................................................... 45
Add an app server to aBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile....................................................... 45
BlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile settings................................................................................ 46
Remote management for Windows 10 devices................................................48
Sending commands to users and devices.........................................................................................................48
Send a command to a device..................................................................................................................48
Send a bulk command............................................................................................................................. 48
Set an expiry time for commands...........................................................................................................50
Commands reference............................................................................................................................... 50
Locate a device.................................................................................................................................................... 51
ManagingWindows 10device updates withBlackBerry UEM.......................... 52
UsingBlackBerry Intelligent Security.............................................................. 53
Deactivating devices....................................................................................... 54
Related information.........................................................................................55
Legal notice.................................................................................................... 56
Introduction toWindows 10deployment withBlackBerry
Organizations across various industries are includingWindows 10tablets and laptops in their mobility strategy
planning. Currently, they might use traditional methods such asMicrosoftSystem Center Configuration Manager
(SCCM) or other client management tools to manageWindows 10devices,whileiOSandAndroidsmartphones
and tablets are managed with another MDM solution. To manageWindows 10,iOS, andAndroiddevices in a
unified management console, you can useBlackBerry UEM.
To supportWindows 10devices,BlackBerry UEMprovides multiple deployment options and scenarios:
SpecializedWindows 10devices fully managed by BlackBerry UEM:Administrators can manageWindows
10devices from theUEMmanagement console after users activate their devices withUEM. Administrators
can view and manage activated devices through a unified interface. Users can also use theBlackBerry
UEM Self-Serviceconsole to perform simple administrative actions (for example, wipe work data,
locate a lost device, activate new devices, or generate access keys for BlackBerry Dynamics apps).
When devices are activated withUEM, you can also easily deploy apps from the app store or enterprise
apps (for example,BlackBerry Access,BBM Enterprise, andBlackBerry Workspaces) to users from
theUEMmanagement console.
CorporateWindows 10devices managed byBlackBerry UEMandMicrosoftSCCM (in
coexistence):Administrators can use eitherBlackBerry UEMandMicrosoftSCCM solutionsexclusivelyto
manageWindows 10devices in their organization or they can adopt theWindows 10management features
ofBlackBerry UEMtogether with the group policies of SCCM.UEMand SCCM can co-exist: devices can
beenrolled and managed by both solutionssimultaneously. 
Unmanaged devices (for personal devices, contractors, or external parties):If you don't want to
manageWindows 10devices but still want users to access your organization's intranet and work email,
users can installBlackBerry Access for Windowsand activate it using aBlackBerry Dynamicsaccess key.
Administrators can generate access keys for users from theUEMmanagement console, and if allowed,
users can generate them from theBlackBerry UEM Self-Serviceconsole. Any device can activateBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps, even if it is not managed. For more information,see the BlackBerry Access product
informationandBlackBerry Workspaces product information.
Key features forWindows 10devices inUEM
The following table highlights the features available to unmanaged devices and managed devices inBlackBerry
UEM. You can manageWindows 10devices, includingWindows 10tablets and computers.Silverlicenses are
required to activateWindows 10devices.
Feature Description
Unmanaged devices
(devices that are not
managed byUEM)
You can enable secure access to work content even ifUEMdoes not manage the
To enable secure access to the work intranet, email, and contacts, you
deployBlackBerry AccessforWindows 10devices. For more information
aboutBlackBerry Access,see the BlackBerry Access Administration Guide.
To enable secure file-sharing, you can deployBlackBerry Workspaces. For more
information,see the BlackBerry Workspaces server content.
|Introduction toWindows 10deployment withBlackBerry UEM|5
Feature Description
Managed devices
(devices that are
managed byUEM)
You can deployWindows 10devices to be managed withUEMonly, or in
coexistence withMicrosoftSystem Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).
When you useUEMto manageWindows 10devices, it allows you to:
Apply IT policies and profiles
Deploy apps from theWindows Storefor Business to theBlackBerry UEM App
Configure device update management settings
Set compliance rules (for example,WindowsHealth Attestation)
Device features
Wireless activation
Customize terms of use agreement
Client app not required
View and export device details (for example, hardware details)
Security features
Separation of work and personal data
Encryption of work data at rest
Protection of devices using remote IT commands (for example, lock the device)
Control device capabilities using IT policies (for example, disable camera)
Enforce password requirements
Enforce encryption of internal storage
Sending certificates to devices
CA certificate profiles
SCEP profiles
Managing work connections for devices
BlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profiles
Exchange ActiveSyncemail profiles
IMAP/POP3 email profiles
Wi-FiandVPN profiles (with proxy)
WindowsInformation Protection profiles
Managing your organization’s standards for devices
Activation profiles
App lock mode profiles
BlackBerry Dynamicsprofiles
Compliance profiles
|Introduction toWindows 10deployment withBlackBerry UEM|6
Device profiles
Enterprise Management Agentprofiles
Only forWindows 10Education andWindows 10Enterprise devices.
Protecting lost or stolen devices
Delete all device data
Delete only work data
Configuring roaming
Disable data when roaming
Managing apps
Distribute public apps from storefront (Windows Store)
Manage work app catalog
Manage restricted apps
Distribute internal apps
The restricted app list is not required forWindows 10devices because only apps that an administrator assigns
can be installed in the work space or on devices.
|Introduction toWindows 10deployment withBlackBerry UEM|7
Checklist for managing devices withUEMonly
The following check list is intended for administrators that want to manageWindows 10devices withBlackBerry
Step Description
Configure the latest version ofBlackBerry UEM(12.10 or later)
orBlackBerry UEM Cloudaccording to your organization's specifications.
For more information, refer to the following:
BlackBerry UEM Installation Guide
BlackBerry UEM Configuration Guide
BlackBerry UEM Cloud Configuration Guide
Configure IT policies and profiles for Windows devices. Assign the
policies and profiles to the appropriate users and user groups.
You must allowWindowsdevices to be activated in the activation
profile. For more information, seeEnrolling a device to be managed
withBlackBerry UEM.
Configure UEM to manage apps for Windows 10 devices.Assign the
apps to the appropriate users and user groups.
Activate aWindows 10device.
After activation, you can manageWindows 10devices inUEM.For example, you can make changes to IT policies
and profiles at any time. They will be enforced on the users and user groups that they are assigned to.You can
also manage the device remotely (for example, wipe the device), and define when Windows updates are allowed
to occur.
|Checklist for managing devices withUEMonly|8
Checklist for managing devices withUEMand SCCM
The checklist in the following section is intended for administrators that want to manageWindows 10devices
with bothBlackBerry UEMand SCCM.
Step Description
Configure the latest version ofBlackBerry UEM(12.10 or later)
orBlackBerry UEM Cloudaccording to your organization's specifications.
For more information, refer to the following:
BlackBerry UEM Installation Guide
BlackBerry UEM Configuration Guide
BlackBerry UEM Cloud Configuration Guide
Verify that the following requirements are met:
Administrators must be running SCCM version build 1710 or later
Users must be runningWindows 10build 1709 or later on their
Using the MDM Migration Analysis Tool (MMAT), determine the policies
that can be managed withUEM. SCCM will continue to manage any
group policy that does not have an equivalent MDM policy.
1. Download the MMAT.
2. Run the tool in the SCCM environment. The result is an output of the
list of group policies that are currently in use and the equivalent policy
that is available in MDM management. For more information,see
theMicrosoftCSP reference.
3. If necessary, use the information generated from the tool to create
IT policies and profiles forWindowsdevices inUEMin the following
Configure IT policies and profiles for Windows devices. Assign the
policies and profiles to the appropriate users and user groups.
You must allowWindowsdevices to be activated in the activation
profile. For more information, seeEnrolling a device to be managed
withBlackBerry UEM.
Configure UEM to manage apps for Windows 10 devices.Assign the
apps to the appropriate users and user groups.
Activate aWindows 10device.
After activation, you can manageWindows 10devices inUEM.For example, you can make changes to IT policies
and profiles at any time. They will be enforced on the users and user groups that they are assigned to.You can
also manage the device remotely (for example, wipe the device), and define when Windows updates are allowed
to occur.
For any group policy that is not assigned by an IT policy inUEM, you can continue to manage the policy in SCCM.
|Checklist for managing devices withUEMand SCCM|9
EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM
In this section you can find information about how to enrollWindows 10devices.
Enrolling a device to be managed withBlackBerry UEM
Administrators can manageWindows 10devices with MDM management controls when they are activated
withBlackBerry UEM. When a device is managed withUEM, you can useUEMto apply IT policies and profiles,
push apps from theWindows Storefor Business, configure device update management settings, and set
compliance rules.
To enroll devices and manage them withUEM, do the following in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console:
Step Description
Verify that the activation settings are configured in theBlackBerry
1. Configure default activation settings in BlackBerry UEM.
2. Set up an email template for activation.
Create an activation profile for Windows 10 devices.
Set an activation password for the user.
Activate theWindows 10device.
Create an activation profile forWindows 10devices
Before users can activate aWindows 10device, an activation profile that allowsWindows 10activations must be
assigned to their accounts. You can create or modify an activation profile to allowWindows 10activations. For
more information about using and assigning profiles inUEM, seeUsing profiles, variables, and email templates.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickPolicy > Activation.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. In theNumber of devices that a user can activatefield, specify the maximum number of devices the user can
6. In theDevice ownershipdrop-down list, select the default setting for device ownership. Perform one of the
following actions:
If some users activate personal devices and some users activate work devices, selectNot specified.
If users typically activate work devices, selectWork.
If users typically activate personal devices, selectPersonal.
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|10
7. Optionally, select an organization notice in theAssign organization noticedrop-down list. If you assign an
organization notice, users activatingWindows 10devices must accept the notice to complete the activation
8. In theDevice types that users can activatesection, select the device types as required (for
example,Windows). Device types that you don't select are not included in the activation profile and users can't
activate those devices.
9. On theWindowstab, do the following:
In theAllowed device form factorsection, selectPhoneif you want to allow Windows 10 smartphones to
be activated, and selectTablet or computerto allow Windows 10 tablets and computers to be activated.
In theDevice model restrictionsdrop-down list, select whether to allow or restrict specified devices or to
have no restrictions. ClickEditto select the devices you want to restrict or allow and clickSave.
In theAllowed versiondrop-down list, select the minimum allowed version.
After you finish: If necessary,rank profiles.
Activation types:Windowsdevices
Activation type Description
MDM controls This activation type provides basic device management using device
controls made available byWindows 10. A separate work space is not
installed on the device, and there is no added security for work data.
You can control the device using commands and IT policies.Windows
10users activate devices through theWindows 10Work access app.
SimplifyingWindows 10activations
You can simplify the activation ofWindows 10devices withUEMusing the following methods:
Deploy a discovery service:If you use the discovery service, users don't need to type a server address
during the activation process. If you choose not to use a discovery service, users can still activateWindows
10devices but they will be required totype the server address when prompted.A UEM certificate can be
installed manually or administrators can deploy the certificate using SCCM. For information about how to
deploy the discovery service, see theBlackBerry UEMconfiguration content.
IntegrateBlackBerry UEMwithAzureActive Directoryjoin:WhenAzureActive Directoryjoin is configured,
users can activate their devices using only theirAzureActive Directoryusername and password.A UEM
certificate can be installed manually or administrators can deploy the certificate using SCCM. AnAzureActive
Directorypremium license is required.
ConfigureWindows Autopilot:When you configureWindows Autopilot, the enrollment is part of the out-
of-box setup experience and the device is automatically activated whenthe user completes it using
onlytheirAzureActive Directoryusername and password.A UEM certificate must be installed manually before
the user completes the out-of-box setup. IntegrationwithAzureActive Directoryjoin and anAzureActive
Directorypremium license are required.
IntegratingUEMwithAzureActive Directoryjoin
You can integrateBlackBerry UEMwithAzureActive Directoryjoin for a simplified enrollment process
forWindows 10devices. When it’s configured, users can enroll their devices withUEMusing theirAzureActive
Directoryusername and password.AzureActive Directoryjoin is also required to supportWindows Autopilot,
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|11
which allowsWindows 10devices to be automatically activated withUEMduring theWindows 10out-of-the-box
setup experience.
To integrateAzureActive Directoryjoin withUEM, you do the following:
Step Description
Use the value of the %ClientlessActivationURL% default variable inUEMto
determine the following URLs so that you can integrateUEMwithAzureActive
Directoryjoin. For example, in the user details screen of a user that uses the default
activation email template, you can clickView activation emailto find the value of
%ClientlessActivationURL% in theWindows 10server name field.
1. Determine the MDM terms of use URL. The URL uses the following structure:
For example, if the %ClientlessActivationURL% variable resolves tohttps://, then usehttps://
2. Determine the MDM discovery URL. The URL uses the following structure:
For example, if the %ClientlessActivationURL% variable resolves tohttps://, then usehttps://
3. Determine the App ID URI using only the host name of the %ClientlessActivationURL
% default variable.
For example, if the %ClientlessActivationURL% variable resolves tohttps://, then usehttps://
Integrate UEM withAzureActive Directoryjoin.
Integrate UEM withAzureActive Directoryjoin
Before you begin: Determine the MDM terms of use URL, MDM discovery URL, and App ID URI. For more
information, seeIntegratingUEMwithAzureActive Directoryjoin.
1. Sign in to theMicrosoft Azuremanagement portal at
2. Navigate toMobility (MDM and MAM).
3. ClickAdd application.
4. ClickOn-premise MDM application. Enter a friendly name (for example,BlackBerry UEM).
5. ClickAdd.
6. Click on the application that you added in the previous step to configure its settings.
7. Specify the user scope,SomeorAll. If applicable, select the groups.
8. In theMDM terms of use URLfield, specify the URL.
9. In theMDM discovery URLfield, specify the URL.
11.ClickOn-premises MDM application settings > Properties.
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|12
12.In theApp ID URIfield, specify the URL.
ConfiguringWindows AutopilotinMicrosoft Azure
To supportWindows Autopilotdevice activation,you do the following:
Step Description
Integrate UEM withAzureActive Directoryjoin.
Create aWindows Autopilotdeployment profile inAzureand assign it to user groups
ImportWindows Autopilotdevices toAzure.
Create aWindows Autopilotdeployment profile inAzure
You must assign aWindows Autopilotdeployment profile to the appropriate user groups inAzureto allow users
to activate their device usingWindows Autopilot. 
1. Sign in to theMicrosoft Azuremanagement portal at
2. Navigate toDevice enrollment > Windows enrollment > Windows Autopilot deployment profiles.
3. Create aWindows Autopilotdeployment profile.
4. Enter a name and description for the profile.
5. Configure the out-of-box experience settings.
6. Assign the profile to the appropriate user groups.
7. ClickSave.
ImportWindows Autopilotdevices toAzure
Complete these steps to import eachWindows 10device that you want to allow to be activated withWindows
1. Turn on theWindows 10device to load thedevice out-of-the-box setup.
2. Connect to aWi-Finetwork with an internet connection.
3. On the keyboard, pressCTRL + SHIFT + F3orCTRL+Fn+SHIFT+F3. The device restarts and enters audit mode.
4. RunWindows PowerShellas an administrator.
5. RunSave-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo -Path C:\Windows\Tempto inspect
theWindows PowerShellscript.
6. RunInstall-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfoto install thescript.
7. RunGet-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile C:\Windows\Temp\MyComputer.csvto save
the device information to a .csv file.
8. To import the .csv file intoMicrosoft Azure, perform the following actions:
a) In theAzureportal,navigate toDevice enrollment > Windows enrollment > Windows Autopilot devices.
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|13
b) ClickImport.
c) Select the .csv file.
9. In theSystem Preparation Tooldialog, do the following:
a) In theSystem Cleanup Actionfield, selectEnter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)and
b) In theShutdown Optionsfield, selectReboot.
Activate aWindows 10device
You can activate yourWindows 10tablet or computer to associate it with your organization's environment so that
you can access work data on your device.
Before you begin:
InBlackBerry UEM Self-Service,Create an activation password or QR code.
Watch a video tutorial available at
1. To activate yourWindows 10tablet or computer onBlackBerry UEM, you must install a certificate. You can
find a link to the certificate in the activation email you received. If you did not receive a link to the certificate,
contact your administrator for assistance. Using theMicrosoft Outlookapp, or using your online email service
in the browser, open your Inbox.
2. In your Inbox, tap the activation email message that you received from your administrator.
3. Tap the link to the certificate server.
4. In the certificate download notification, tapOpen.
5. TapInstall Certificate.
6. Select theLocal Machineoption. TapNext.
7. Select thePlace all certificates in the following storeoption. TapBrowse.
8. SelectTrusted Root Certification Authorities. TapOK.
9. TapNext.
13.Tap theStartbutton.
16.TapWork access.
18.In theEmail addressfield, type your email address. TapContinue.
19.If you are asked for your server address, in theServerfield, type your server address or activation URL and
tapContinue. You can find your server address or activation URL in the activation email that you received from
your administrator or inBlackBerry UEM Self-Servicewhen you set your activation password.
20.In theActivation passwordfield, type your activation password and tapContinue. You can find your activation
password in the activation email that you received from your administrator, or you can set your own activation
password inBlackBerry UEM Self-Service.
22.The activation process is complete.
After you finish: To verify that the activation process completed successfully, perform one of the following
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|14
On the device, open the Work access app and check that your account is listed. Tap your account and select
Info. Check the sync status information to make sure that your device is connected toBlackBerry UEM.
InBlackBerry UEM Self-Service, verify that your device is listed as an activated device. It can take up to two
minutes for the status to update after you activate the device.
Install a certificate to activate aWindows 10device withWindows Autopilot
Before you activate aWindows 10device withWindows Autopilot, aBlackBerry UEMcertificate must be installed
on the device. TheUEMcertificate must be installed before you complete the initialWindows 10out-of-the-box
setup. After the certificate is installed, the device is automatically enrolled withUEMduring theWindows 10out-
of-the-box setup.
Before you begin:
Verify that you have theUEMcertificate .cer file forWindows 10device activation. You can download
it using the certificate server URL, which can be found in the default activation email template from the
%RsaRootCaCertUrl% default variable. Alternatively, you can transfer the certificate from another device (for
example, a USB key).
If necessary, reset theWindows 10device to the default factory settings. The initialout-of-the-box setup must
not be completed on the device yet.
1. Turn on theWindows 10device to load thedevice out-of-the-box setup.
2. Connect to aWi-Finetwork with an internet connection.
3. On the keyboard, pressCTRL + SHIFT + F3orCTRL+Fn+SHIFT+F3. The device restarts and enters audit mode.
4. Download the certificate (.cer file) onto the computer using one of the following methods:
Enter the certificate server URL in a web browser.
Transfer the file from a USB key.
5. Open the .cer certificate file.
6. ClickInstall Certificate.
7. SelectLocal Machineand clickNext.
8. SelectPlace all certificates in the following storeand clickBrowse.
9. SelectTrusted Root Certification Authoritiesand clickOK.
10.In theSystem Preparation Tooldialog, do the following:
a) In theSystem Cleanup Actionfield, selectEnter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)and
b) In theShutdown Optionsfield, selectReboot.
The device restarts and returns to the initialWindows 10out-of-box experience setup.
12.Select your region.
13.Connect to aWi-Finetwork with an internet connection.
14.Read and accept theWindows 10licence agreement.
15.Enter your work email address.
16.Enter the password for your work email address.
17.Read and accept the terms of use.
18.Choose and accept the privacy settings for your device.
19.When you are prompted to log in toWindows, use the same password as your work email address.
20.When you are prompted to set up a PIN, type and confirm your PIN.
After you finish: Verify that you are connected to your organization from theSettings > Accounts > Access work
or schoolmenu.
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|15
Enrolling an unmanaged device withBlackBerry Access for Windows
BlackBerry Access for Windowsis aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp that allows users to access the work intranet,
email, and contacts on Windows devices without the need to allow MDM management. Administrators can revoke
access to work content at any time.
BlackBerry Dynamicsapps need to be activated using an access key. Administrators can generate access keys
for users in theUEMmanagement console. Users can also generate access keys inBlackBerry UEM Self-Service.
Users do not need to activate their device withUEMto receive access keys.
To enroll a device (thatUEMdoes not manage) withBlackBerry Access for Windows:
Step Description
DeployBlackBerry Access. For more information about the requirements
ofBlackBerry Accessand how to deploy it,see the BlackBerry Access
Administration Guide.
Users must install and activate theBlackBerry Access for Windowsapp
on their devices. To activate the app, administrators generate access
keys and email them to users. For more information about how to install
and activateBlackBerry Accesson the device,see the BlackBerry Access
for Windows User Guide.
|EnrollingWindows 10devices withBlackBerry UEM|16
Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows
In this section, you can learn about the policies and profiles that are availableforWindows
10devicesinBlackBerry UEMand how to set them up.
IT policies: Set password requirements and restrict device capabilities.
Certificate profiles: Choose which certificates are sent to the devices for authentication.
Email profiles: Specify settings for work email accounts so that users can access their work email from the
native mail app on their device.
VPN and Wi-Fi profiles: Specify network settings so that users can access work resources from their device.
Compliance profiles: Set rules to encourage users to follow your organization’s standards for the use of
Windows Information Protection profiles: ConfigureWindows 10devicesto protect work data.
Import SCCM group policies toUEM
When you import SCCM group policies toBlackBerry UEM, you update the equivalent policy settings in theUEMIT
policy with the settings from the group policy. In the IT policy, you can select the "MDM wins over group policies"
policy to allowUEMto manage those policies if the device is managed by both SCCM and UEM.
You complete the following task on theUEMserver using theUEMConfiguration Tool. For more details about
theUEMConfiguration Tool, visitto read article 36443.
Before you begin:
Run the MDM Migration Analysis Tool (MMAT) to produce a .xml output of the group policies that can be
imported to UEM.
1. Run theBlackBerry UEMConfiguration Tool.
2. ClickNext.
3. Select your country.
4. Read and accept the license agreement.
5. On the tool selection screen, selectMMAT policy comparison. ClickNext.
6. Browse to and select the .xml output from the MMAT. ClickNext.
7. On theBlackBerry UEM databasescreen, clickValidate.
8. On theMMAT Policy Importscreen, select theUEMIT policy that you want to import the group policy settings
to.If an appropriate policy is not in the list, create a new IT policy inUEM.
9. ClickImport.
Restricting or allowing device capabilities
When you configure IT policy rules, you can restrict or allow device capabilities. The IT policy rules available for
each device type are determined by the device OS and version and by the device activation type. For example,
depending on the device and activation type, you can use IT policy rules to:
Enforce password requirements for the device or the work space on a device
Prevent users from using device features, such as the camera
Control connections that useBluetoothwireless technology
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|17
Control the availability of certain apps
Require encryption and other security features
Depending on the device activation type, you can use IT policy rules to control the entire device, only the work
space on a device, or both.
Setting device password requirements
InBlackBerry UEM, you can useIT policy rules to set the password requirements for devices. For example, you
can set requirements for password length and complexity, password expiration, and the result of incorrect
password attempts. The following topics explain the password rules that apply to the various device and
activation types.
For more information about the IT policy rules,download the Policy Reference Spreadsheet.
HowBlackBerry UEMchooses which IT policy to assign
InBlackBerry UEM, you can assign more than one IT policy to a device, butBlackBerry UEMuses predefined rules
to choose which IT policy to assign to a user and the devices that the user activates. For more information about
IT policies,see theBlackBerry UEMadministration content.
Creating and managing IT policies
You can use the Default IT policy or create custom IT policies (for example, to specify IT policy rules for different
user groups or device groups in your organization). If you plan to use the Default IT policy, you should review it
and, if necessary, update it to make sure that the rules meet your organization's security standards.
For more information about the IT policy rules,download the Policy Reference Spreadsheet.
Create an IT policy
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the IT policy.
5. Click the tab for each device type in your organization and configure the appropriate values for the IT policy
Hold the mouse over the name of a rule to display help tips.
6. Click Add.
After you finish: Rank IT policies.
Copy an IT policy
You can copy existing IT policies to quickly create custom IT policies for different groups in your organization.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
3. Click the name of the IT policy that you want to copy.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|18
Click .
5. Type a name and description for the new IT policy.
6. Make changes on the appropriate tab for each device type.
7. Click Add.
After you finish: Rank IT policies.
Rank IT policies
Ranking is used to determine which IT policy BlackBerry UEM sends to a device in the following scenarios:
A user is a member of multiple user groups that have different IT policies.
A device is a member of multiple device groups that have different IT policies.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
Click .
4. Use the arrows to move IT policies up or down the ranking.
5. Click Save.
View an IT policy
You can view the following information about an IT policy:
IT policy rules specific to each device type
List and number of user accounts that the IT policy is assigned to (directly and indirectly)
List and number of user groups that the IT policy is assigned to (directly)
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
3. Click the name of the IT policy that you want to view.
Change an IT policy
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
3. Click the name of the IT policy that you want to change.
Click .
5. Make changes on the appropriate tab for each device type.
6. Click Save.
After you finish: If necessary, change the IT policy ranking.
Remove an IT policy from user accounts or user groups
If an IT policy is assigned directly to user accounts or user groups, you can remove it from users or groups. If
an IT policy is assigned indirectly by user group, you can remove the IT policy from the group or remove user
accounts from the group. When you remove an IT policy from user groups, the IT policy is removed from every
user that belongs to the selected groups.
Note: The Default IT policy can only be removed from a user account if you assigned it directly to the user.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|19
3. Click the name of the IT policy that you want to remove from user accounts or user groups.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
Remove an IT policy from user
a. Click the Assigned to users tab.
b. If necessary, search for user accounts.
c. Select the user accounts that you want to remove the IT policy
Click .
Remove an IT policy from user
a. Click the Assigned to groups tab.
b. If necessary, search for user groups.
c. Select the user groups that you want to remove the IT policy from.
Click .
Delete an IT policy
You cannot delete the Default IT policy. When you delete a custom IT policy, BlackBerry UEM removes the IT
policy from the users and devices that it is assigned to.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
3. Select the check boxes for the IT policies you want to delete.
Click .
5. Click Delete.
Export IT policies
You can export IT policies to an .xml file for auditing purposes.
Profiles that are associated with IT policies are not exported.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Policy > IT policies.
3. Select the check boxes for the IT policies you want to export.
Click .
5. Click Next.
6. Click Export.
Sending certificates to devices using profiles
You can send certificates to devices using the following profiles available in the Policies and Profiles library:
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|20
Profile Description
CA certificate CA certificate profiles specify a CA certificate that devices can use to trust the
identity associated with any client or server certificate that has been signed by
that CA.
User credential User credential profiles send certificates to devices in the following ways:
They can specify a connection to your organization's PKI software to send
client certificates to devices.
They can allow you to manually upload certificates inBlackBerry UEM.
SCEP SCEP profiles specify how devices connect to, and obtain client certificates
from, your organization's CA using a SCEP service.
ForBlackBerry Dynamics, to use certificates sent by profiles, you must select "AllowBlackBerry Dynamicsapps to
use user certificates, SCEP profiles, and user credential profiles" in thesettings for the app.
Choosing profiles to send client certificates to devices
You can use different types of profiles to send client certificates to devices. The type of profile that you choose
depends on how your organization uses certificates and the types of devices that your organization supports.
Consider the following guidelines:
To use SCEP profiles, you must have a CA that supports SCEP.
If you have set up a connection betweenBlackBerry UEMand your organization's PKI solution, use user
credential profiles to send certificates to devices. You can connect directly to anEntrustCA orOpenTrustCA.
To use client certificates forWi-Fi, VPN, and mail server authentication, you must associate the certificate
profile with aWi-Fi, VPN, or email profile.
Shared certificate profiles and certificates that you add to user accounts do not keep the private key private
because you must have access to the private key. Connecting to a CA using SCEP or user credential profiles is
more secure because the private key is sent only to the device that the certificate was issued to.
Sending CA certificates to devices
You might need to send CA certificates to devices if your organization uses S/MIME or if the devices use
certificate-based authentication to connect to a network or server in your organization’s environment.
When you send a CA certificate to a device, the device trusts the identity associated with any client or server
certificate signed by the CA. When the certificate for the CA that signed your organization's network and server
certificates is stored on devices, the devices can trust your networks and servers when they make secure
connections. When the CA certificate that signed your organization's S/MIME certificates is stored on devices, the
devices can trust the sender's certificate when a secure email message is received.
Multiple CA certificates that are used for different purposes can be stored on a device. You can use CA certificate
profiles to send CA certificates to devices.
Create a CA certificate profile
Before you begin: You must obtain the CA certificate file that you want to send to devices.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Certificates > CA certificate.
Click .
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|21
4. Type a name and description for the profile. Each CA certificate profile must have a unique name. Some
names (for example, ca_1) are reserved.
5. In the Certificate file field, click Browse to locate the certificate file.
6. Click Add.
Using SCEP to send client certificates to devices
You can use SCEP profiles to specify howWindows 10devices obtain client certificates from your organization's
CA through a SCEP service. SCEP is an IETF protocol that simplifies the process of enrolling client certificates
to a large number of devices without any administrator input or approval required to issue each certificate.
Devices can use SCEP to request and obtain client certificates from a SCEP-compliant CA that is used by your
organization. The CA that you use must support challenge passwords. The CA uses challenge passwords to verify
that the device is authorized to submit a certificate request.
Depending on the device capabilities and activation type, devices can use the client certificates obtained using
SCEP for certificate-based authentication from the browser or to connect to a workWi-Finetwork, work VPN, or
work mail server.
Note: If your organization uses anEntrustCA orOpenTrustCA, SCEP profiles are not supported forWindows
Create a SCEP profile
The required profile settings vary for each device type and depend on the SCEP service configuration in your
organization's environment.
Note: If you want to use a SCEP profile to distributeOpenTrustclient certificates to devices, you must apply a
hotfix to yourOpenTrustsoftware. For more information, contact yourOpenTrustsupport representative and
reference support case SUPPORT-798.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickCertificates > SCEP.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile. Each certificate profile must have a unique name.
5. In theURLfield, type the URL for the SCEP service. The URL should include the protocol, FQDN, port number,
and SCEP path.
6. In theInstance namefield, type the instance name for the CA.
7. In theCertification authority connectiondrop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
To use anEntrustconnection that you configured, click the appropriate connection. In theProfiledrop-
down list, click a profile. Specify the values for the profile.
To use anOpenTrustconnection that you configured, click the appropriate connection. In theProfiledrop-
down list, click a profile. Specify the values for the profile.
The following settings in the SCEP profile do not apply toOpenTrustclient certificates: Key usage,
Extended key usage, Subject, and SAN.
To use another CA, clickGeneric. In theSCEP challenge typedrop-down list, selectStaticorDynamicand
specify the required settings for the challenge type.
Note: ForWindowsdevices, only static passwords are supported.
8. Optionally, clear the check box for any device type that you do not want to configure the profile for.
9. For each device type that you want to configure in your organization, perform the following actions:
a) Click the tab for a device type.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|22
b) Configure the appropriate values for each profile setting to match the SCEP service configuration in your
organization's environment.
After you finish: If devices use the client certificate to authenticate with a workWi-Finetwork, work VPN, or work
mail server, associate the SCEP profile with aWi-Fi, VPN, or email profile.
Setting up work email for devices
You can use email profiles to specify how devices connect to your organization's mail server and synchronize
email messages, calendar entries, and organizer data usingExchange ActiveSyncorIBM Notes Traveler.
If you want to useExchange ActiveSync, you should note the following:
If you enable S/MIME, you can use other profiles to allow devices to automatically retrieve S/MIME certificates
and check certificate status.
You can also use IMAP/POP3 email profiles to specify howWindowsdevices connect to IMAP or POP3 mail
servers and synchronize email messages.
Create an email profile
The required profile settings vary for each device type and depend on the mail server used in your organization's
Before you begin:
If you use certificate-based authentication between devices and your mail server, you must create a CA
certificate profile and assign it to users. You must also make sure that devices have a trusted client certificate.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickEmail, calendar and contacts > Email.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. If necessary, type the domain name of the mail server. If the profile is for multiple users who may be in
differentMicrosoft Active Directorydomains, you can use the%UserDomain%variable.
6. In theEmail addressfield, perform one of the following actions:
If the profile is for one user, type the email address of the user.
If the profile is for multiple users, type%UserEmailAddress%.
7. Type the host name or IP address of the mail server.
8. In theUsernamefield, perform one of the following actions:
If the profile is for one user, type the username.
If the profile is for multiple users, type%UserName%.
If the profile is for multiple users in anIBM Notes Travelerenvironment, type%UserDisplayName%.
9. If you configured server groups to directBlackBerry Secure Gatewaytraffic orBlackBerry Gatekeeping
Servicetraffic to a specific regional connection to theBlackBerry Infrastructure, in theBlackBerry Secure
Gateway Service server groupdrop-down list, click the appropriate server group.
10.Click the tab for each device type in your organization and configure the appropriate values for each profile
setting. For details about each profile setting, seeEmail profile settings.
After you finish: If necessary,rank profiles.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|23
Create an IMAP/POP3 email profile
The required profile settings vary for each device type and depend on the settings that you select.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickEmail, calendar and contacts > IMAP/POP3 email.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. In theEmail typefield, select the type of email protocol.
6. In theEmail addressfield, perform one of the following actions:
If the profile is for one user, type the email address of the user.
If the profile is for multiple users, type%UserEmailAddress%.
7. In theIncoming mail settingssection, type the host name or IP address of the mail server for receiving mail.
8. If necessary, type the port for receiving mail.
9. In theUsernamefield, perform one of the following actions:
If the profile is for one user, type the username.
If the profile is for multiple users, type%UserName%.
10.In theOutgoing mail settingssection, type the host name or IP address of the mail server for sending mail.
11.If necessary, type the port for sending mail.
12.If necessary, selectAuthentication required for outgoing mailand specify the credentials used for sending
13.Click the tab for each device type in your organization and configure the appropriate values for each profile
setting. For details about each profile setting, seeIMAP/POP3 email profile settings.
Using Exchange Gatekeeping
Your organization can use theBlackBerry Gatekeeping Serviceto control which devices can accessExchange
To use gatekeeping inBlackBerry UEM, you must complete the following tasks:
Create a gatekeeping configuration. In the configuration content, seeControlling which devices can access
Exchange ActiveSync.
Create a gatekeeping profile
When your organization uses theBlackBerry Gatekeeping Service, any device that is not whitelisted forMicrosoft
Exchangeis reported in theBlackBerry UEMRestrictedExchange ActiveSyncdevices list.
If you add a user account and assign a gatekeeping profile, all previously blocked, quarantined, or manually
allowed devices related to the user account appear in the RestrictedExchange ActiveSyncdevices list.
Allow a device to access Microsoft ActiveSync
If BlackBerry UEM cannot obtain an Exchange ActiveSync ID from a device, it is not added to the allowed list
for Microsoft Exchange. You can manually add these devices to the allowed list from the Restricted Exchange
ActiveSync devices list. For example, if an Android device is activated using the MDM activation type, BlackBerry
UEM is not able to obtain an Exchange ActiveSync ID and you must manually whitelist the device in the Restricted
Exchange ActiveSync devices list.
1. On the menu bar, click Users > Exchange gatekeeping.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|24
2. Search for a device.
In the Action column, click .
Block a device from accessing Microsoft ActiveSync
You can manually block a previously allowed device from accessing Microsoft ActiveSync. Blocking a device
prevents a user from retrieving email messages and other information from the Microsoft Exchange Server on the
1. On the menu bar, click Users.
2. Click Exchange gatekeeping.
3. Search for a device.
In the Action column, click .
Verifying that a device is allowed to access work email and organizer data
When your organization uses BlackBerry Gatekeeping Service to control which devices can access work email and
organizer data from Exchange ActiveSync, at least one gatekeeping server is configured on an email profile. When
the email profile with gatekeeping configured is assigned to a user account, you can verify the connection status
between a device and Exchange ActiveSync. You can locate the status by looking at the device details page, in the
IT policy and profiles section. The following statuses display in the device details beside the email profile.
Status Description
Unknown A status of Unknown is displayed when BlackBerry UEM cannot
determine the ID of the device. The device is listed in the Restricted
device list and must be manually added to the allow list.
Connection pending A status of Connection pending is displayed when BlackBerry UEM
knows the ID of the device and the device is queued waiting to be added
to the allow list.
Connection allowed A status of Connection allowed is displayed when BlackBerry UEM
knows the ID of the device and the device is on the allow list.
Verify that a device is allowed
1. On the menu bar, click Users > Managed devices.
2. Search for a user account.
3. In the search results, click the name of a user account.
4. Select the tab for the device that you want to verify.
5. In the IT policy and profiles section, if the device is allowed, Connection allowed is displayed beside the email
Creating a gatekeeping profile
If you configured the BlackBerry Gatekeeping Service, you need to create a gatekeeping profile and assign it
to user accounts, user groups, or device groups. The gatekeeping profile allows you to select the Microsoft
Exchange servers for automatic gatekeeping.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|25
Create a gatekeeping profile
If you use automatic gatekeeping, create a gatekeeping profile.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Email, calendar and contacts > Gatekeeping.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. Click Select servers.
Select one or more servers and click .
7. Click Save.
Setting up work VPNs for devices
You can use a VPN profile to specify how Windows 10 devices connect to a work VPN. You can assign a VPN
profile to user accounts, user groups, or device groups.
Device Apps and network connections
Windows 10 You can configure VPN profiles to allow apps to connect to your organization's
network. In the VPN profile, you can specify a list of apps that must use the
Create a VPN profile
The required profile settings vary for each device type and depend on the VPN connection type and authentication
type that you select.
Note: Some devices may be unable to store the xAuth password. For more information,visitto read KB30353.
Before you begin:
If devices use certificate-based authentication for work VPN connections, create a CA certificate profile and
assign it to user accounts, user groups, or device groups. To send client certificates to devices, create a user
credential, SCEP, or shared certificate profile to associate with the VPN profile.
The proxy server forWindows 10devices is configured in the VPN profile.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickNetworks and connections > VPN.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the VPN profile. This information is displayed on devices.
5. Optionally, clear the check box for any device type that you do not want to configure the profile for.
6. Perform the following actions:
a) Click the tab for a device type.
b) Configure the appropriate values for each profile setting to match the VPN configuration in your
organization's environment. If your organization requires that users provide a username and password to
connect to the VPN and the profile is for multiple users, in theUsernamefield, type%UserName%.
For details about each profile setting, seeVPN profile settings.
7. Repeat step 5 for each device type in your organization.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|26
8. ClickAdd.
Enabling per-app VPN
You can set up per-app VPN for Windows 10 devices to specify which apps on devices must use a VPN for their
data in transit. Per-app VPN helps decrease the load on your organization’s VPN by enabling only certain work
traffic to use the VPN (for example, accessing application servers or webpages behind the firewall).
For Windows 10 devices, apps are added to the "App trigger list" setting in the VPN profile.
Setting up work Wi-Fi networks for devices
You can use a Wi-Fi profile to specify how devices connect to a work Wi-Fi network behind the firewall. You can
assign a Wi-Fi profile to user accounts, user groups, or device groups.
Device Apps and network connections
Windows Work and personal apps can use the Wi-Fi profiles stored on the device to connect
to your organization's network.
Create aWi-Fiprofile
The required profile settings vary for each device type and depend on theWi-Fisecurity type and authentication
protocol that you select.
Before you begin:
If devices use certificate-based authentication for workWi-Ficonnections, create a CA certificate profile and
assign it to user accounts, user groups, or device groups. To send client certificates to devices, create a SCEP,
shared certificate, or user credential profile to associate with theWi-Fiprofile.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickNetworks and connections > Wi-Fi.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for theWi-Fiprofile. This information is displayed on devices.
5. In theSSIDfield, type the network name of aWi-Finetwork.
6. If theWi-Finetwork does not broadcast the SSID, select theHidden networkcheck box.
7. Optionally, clear the check box for any device type that you do not want to configure the profile for.
8. Perform the following actions:
a) Click the tab for a device type.
b) Configure the appropriate values for each profile setting to match theWi-Ficonfiguration in your
organization's environment. If your organization requires that users provide a username and password to
connect to theWi-Finetwork and the profile is for multiple users, in theUsernamefield, type%UserName%.
For details about each profile setting, seeWi-Fi profile settings.
9. Repeat step 7 for each device type in your organization.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|27
Enforcing compliance rules for devices
You can use compliance profiles to encourage users to follow your organization’s standards for the use of
devices. A compliance profile defines the device conditions that are not acceptable in your organization.
For example, you can choose to disallow devices that are jailbroken, rooted, or have an integrity alert due to
unauthorized access to the operating system.
A compliance profile specifies the following information:
Conditions that would make a device non-compliant
Email messages and device notifications that users receive if they violate the compliance conditions
Actions that are taken if users do not correct the issue, including limiting a user’s access to the organization's
resources, deleting work data from the device, or deleting all data from the device
BlackBerry UEM includes a Default compliance profile. The Default compliance profile does not enforce any
compliance conditions. To enforce compliance rules, you can change the settings of the Default compliance
profile or you can create and assign custom compliance profiles. Any user accounts that are not assigned a
custom compliance profile are assigned the Default compliance profile.
Create a compliance profile
Before you begin:
If you want to send an email notification to users when their devices are not compliant, edit the default
compliance email, or create a new email template. For more information, seeCreate a template for compliance
email notifications.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickCompliance > Compliance.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the compliance profile.
5. If you want to send a notification message to users when their devices become non-compliant, perform any of
the following actions:
In theEmail sent when violation is detecteddrop-down list, select an email template. To see the default
compliance email, click Settings > General settings > Email templates.
In theEnforcement intervaldrop-down list, select how oftenBlackBerry UEMchecks for compliance.
ExpandDevice notification sent out when violation is detected. Edit the message if necessary.
If you want to use variables to populate notifications with user, device, and compliance information,
seeVariables. You can also define and use your own custom variables using the management console. For
more information, seeCustom variables.
6. Click the tab for each device type in your organization and configure the appropriate values for each profile
setting. For details about each profile setting, seeCompliance profile settings.
7. ClickAdd.
After you finish: If necessary,rank profiles.
Windows: Compliance profile settings
SeeCommon: Compliance profile settingsfor descriptions of the possible actions if you select a compliance rule.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|28
Windows: Compliance
profile setting
Required app is not
This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices have required apps
Restricted OS version is
This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices do not have a
restricted OS version installed as specified in this setting.
You can select the restricted OS versions.
Restricted device model
This setting creates a compliance rule to restrict device models as specified in
this setting.
Possible values:
Allow selected device models
Do not allow selected device models
You can select the devices models that are allowed or restricted.
Device out of contact This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices are not out of
contact withBlackBerry UEMfor more than a specified amount of time.
Dynamicslibrary version
This setting creates a compliance rule that allows you to select theBlackBerry
Dynamicslibrary versions that cannot be activated.
You can select the blocked library versions.
This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure thatBlackBerry Dynamicsapps
are not out of contact withBlackBerry UEMfor more than a specified amount of
time. The enforcement action is applied toBlackBerry Dynamicsapps.
Antivirus signature This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices have an antivirus
signature enabled.
Antivirus status This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices have antivirus
software enabled.
Firewall status This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices have a firewall
Encryption status This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices require encryption.
Windows update status This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices allowBlackBerry
UEMto installWindowsOS updates or notify users of required updates.
Restricted app is
This setting creates a compliance rule to ensure that devices do not have
restricted apps installed. To restrict apps, seeAdd an app to the restricted app list.
Grace period expired This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the
attestation grace period has expired.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|29
Windows: Compliance
profile setting
Attestation Identity Key
not present
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if an AIK is not
present on the device.
Data Execution
Prevention Policy is
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the DEP
policy is disabled on the device.
BitLocker is disabled This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if BitLocker is
disabled on the device.
Secure Boot is disabled This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if Secure Boot
is disabled on the device.
Code integrity is disabled This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the Code
Integrity feature is disabled on the device.
Device is in safe mode This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the device is
in safe mode.
Device is in Windows
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the device is
in the Windows preinstallation environment.
Early launch antimalware
driver is not loaded
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the early
launch antimalware driver is not loaded.
Virtual Secure Mode is
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if Virtual
Secure Mode is disabled.
Boot debugging is
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if boot
debugging is enabled.
OS kernel debugging is
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if OS kernel
debugging is enabled.
Test signing is enabled This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if test signing
is enabled.
Boot manager revision
list is not the expected
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the boot
manager revision list is not the expected version.
Code Integrity revision
list is not the expected
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the code
integrity revision list is not the expected version.
Code Integrity policy
hash is present and is
not an allowed value
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the code
integrity policy hash is present and is not an allowed value.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|30
Windows: Compliance
profile setting
Custom Secure Boot
configuration policy hash
is present and is not an
allowed value
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the Custom
Secure Boot configuration policy hash is present and is not an allowed value.
PCR value is not an
allowed value
This setting creates a compliance rule to specify actions that occur if the PCR
value is not an allowed value.
Setting up Windows Information Protection for Windows 10 devices
You can set up Windows Information Protection (WIP) for Windows 10 devices when you want to:
Separate personal and work data on devices and be able to wipe only work data
Prevent users from sharing work data outside of protected work apps or with people outside of your
Protect data even if it is moved to or shared on other devices, such as a USB key
Audit user behavior and take appropriate actions to prevent data leaks
When you set up WIP for devices, you specify the apps that you want to protect with WIP. Protected apps are
trusted to create and access work files, while unprotected apps can be blocked from accessing work files. You
can choose the level of protection for protected apps based on how you want users to behave when they share
work data. When WIP is enabled, all data sharing practices are audited. For more information about WIP, visit
The apps that you specify can be enlightened or unenlightened for enterprise. Enlightened apps can create and
access work and personal data. Unenlightened apps can only create and access work data. For more information
about enlightened and unenlightened apps, visit
Create aWindowsInformation Protection profile
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickProtection > Windows Information Protection.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. Configure the appropriate values for each profile setting. For details about each profile setting, seeWindows
10: Windows Information Protection profile settings.
6. ClickAdd.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|31
Windows 10: Windows Information Protection profile settings
Windows 10: Windows
Information Protection
profile setting
Windows Information
Protection settings
This setting specifies whether Windows Information Protection is enabled and the
level of enforcement. When this setting is set to "Off," data is not encrypted and
audit logging is turned off. When this setting is set to "Silent," data is encrypted
and any attempts to share protected data are logged. When this setting is set to
"Override," data is encrypted, the user is prompted when they attempt to share
protected data, and any attempts to share protected data are logged. When this
setting is set to "Block," data is encrypted, users cannot share protected data, and
any attempts to share protected data are logged.
Possible values:
The default value is "Off."
Enterprise protected
domain names
This setting specifies the work network domain names that your organization uses
for its user identities. You can separate multiple domains with pipes (|). The first
domain is used as a string to tag files that are protected by apps that use WIP.
For example,|
Data recovery certificate
file (.der, .cer)
This setting specifies the data recovery certificate file. The file that you specify
must be a PEM encoded or DER encoded certificate with a .der or .cer file
You use the data recovery certificate file to recover files that were locally
protected on a device. For example, if your organization wants to recover data
protected by WIP from a device.
For information on creating a data recovery certificate, see the Microsoft Windows
Information Protection documentation.
Remove the Windows
Information Protection
settings when a device is
removed from BlackBerry
This setting specifies whether to revoke WIP settings when a device is
deactivated. When WIP settings are revoked, the user can no longer access
protected files.
Show Windows
Information Protection
overlays on protected
files and apps that can
create enterprise content
This setting specifies whether an overlay icon is shown on file and app icons to
indicate whether a file or app is protected by WIP.
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|32
Windows 10: Windows
Information Protection
profile setting
Work network IP range This setting specifies the range of IP addresses at work to which an app protected
with WIP can share data.
Use a dash to denote a range of addresses. Use a comma to separate addresses.
Work network IP ranges
are authoritative
This setting specifies if only the work network IP ranges are accepted as part of
the work network. When this setting is enabled, no attempts are made to discover
other work networks.
By default, the option is not selected.
Enterprise internal proxy
This setting specifies the internal proxy servers that are used when connecting to
work network locations. These proxy servers are only used when connecting to the
domain listed in the Enterprise cloud resources setting.
Enterprise cloud
This setting specifies the list of enterprise resource domains hosted in the cloud
that need to be protected. Data from these resources are considered enterprise
data and protected.
Cloud resources domain This setting specifies the domain name.
Paired proxy This setting specifies a proxy that is paired with a cloud resource. Traffic to the
cloud resource will be routed through the enterprise network via the denoted proxy
server (on port 80).
A proxy server used for this purpose must also be configured in the Enterprise
internal proxy servers field.
Enterprise proxy servers This setting specifies the list of internet proxy servers.
Enterprise proxy servers
are authoritative
This setting specifies whether the client should accept the configured list of
proxies and not try to detect other enterprise proxies.
Neutral resources This setting specifies the domains that can be used for work or personal
Enterprise network
domain names
This setting specifies a comma-separated list of domains that comprise the
boundaries of the enterprise. Data from one of these domains that is sent to a
device will be considered enterprise data and protected. These locations will be
considered a safe destination for enterprise data to be shared to.
For example,,
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|33
Windows 10: Windows
Information Protection
profile setting
Desktop app payload
Specify the desktop app keys and values used to configure application launch
restrictions on Windows 10 devices. You must use the keys defined by Microsoft
for the payload type that you want to configure.
To specify the apps, copy the XML code from the AppLocker policy .xml file and
paste it in this field. When you copy the text, copy only the elements as shown in
the following code sample:
<RuleCollection Type="Appx" EnforcementMode="Enabled">
<FilePublisherRule Id="0c9781aa-bf9f-4352
-b4ba-64c25f36f558" Name="WordMobile" Description=""
UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow">
PublisherName="CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft
Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
ProductName="Microsoft.Office.Word" BinaryName="*">
<BinaryVersionRange LowSection="*"
HighSection="*" />
For more information about using AppLocker, see
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|34
Windows 10: Windows
Information Protection
profile setting
Universal Windows
Platform app payload
Specify the Universal Windows Platform app keys and values used to configure
WIP on Windows 10 devices. You must use the keys defined by Microsoft for the
payload type that you want to configure.
To specify the apps, copy the XML code from the AppLocker policy .xml file and
paste it in this field. When you copy the text, copy only the elements as shown in
the following code sample:
<RuleCollection Type="Exe" EnforcementMode="Enabled">
<FilePathRule Id="921cc481-6e17-4653-8f75-050b80acca20"
Name="(Default Rule)
All files" Description="" UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0"
<FilePathCondition Path="*" />
<FilePublisherRule Id="ddd0bc90-
dada-4002-9e2f-0fc68e1f6af0" Name="WORDPAD.EXE,
C=US" Description=""
UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Deny">
<FilePublisherCondition PublisherName="O=MICROSOFT
<BinaryVersionRange LowSection="*" HighSection="*" />
<FilePublisherRule Id="c8360d06-f651-4883-
abdd-9c3a95a415ff" Name="NOTEPAD.EXE,
C=US" Description=""
UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow">
<FilePublisherCondition PublisherName="O=MICROSOFT
<BinaryVersionRange LowSection="*" HighSection="*" />
For more information about using AppLocker, see
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|35
Windows 10: Windows
Information Protection
profile setting
Associated VPN profile This setting specifies the VPN profile that a device uses to connect to a VPN when
using an app protected by WIP.
This setting is valid only if "Use a VPN profile" is selected for the "Secure
connection used with WIP."
Collect device audit logs This setting specifies whether to collect device audit logs.
ManagingWindows 10devices that are enrolled inUEMand SCCM
You can choose which device management features that you want to manage through eitherBlackBerry
UEMorMicrosoftSCCM.UEMsupports the following enrollment scenarios:
The device is already managed with SCCM, and you want to enroll the device withUEM.
The device is already managed withUEM, and you want to enroll the device with SCCM.
The device is not yet managed by either SCCM orUEM. If you want the device to remain unmanaged but
you also want to allow access to the corporate intranet, email, and contacts, consider enrolling the device
withBlackBerry Access for Windowsto allow access to the corporate content.
Configuring policies in SCCM
The table below lists some of the resources that are available fromMicrosoftto help you manage devices using
Item Resource
MicrosoftSystem Center Configuration Manager
Configuration items for devices managed with the
SCCM client
Managing access to services in SCCM
Setting device compliance policies in SCCM
Managing apps in SCCM
MDM Migration Analysis Tool (MMAT)
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|36
Item Resource
MicrosoftConfiguration service provider (CSP)
|Setting upUEMpolicies and profiles to manageWindows 10devices|37
Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows
You can configureBlackBerry UEMto manage apps forWindows 10devices. You can add apps that are
synchronized with the Windows Store for Business or add internal work apps in your organization.Users can
easily find apps that are assigned to them from the BlackBerry UEM App Catalog app. For BlackBerry Dynamics
apps, you can also specify the configuration settings so that users do not need tomanually configure them.
Follow these steps to configureBlackBerry UEMto manage apps forWindows 10devices:
Step Action
Connect BlackBerry UEM to Microsoft Azure
Specify the shared network location for storing internal apps
Add aWindows 10app to the app list
ConnectingBlackBerry UEMtoMicrosoft Azure
Microsoft Azureis theMicrosoftcloud computing service for deploying and managing applications and services.
ConnectingBlackBerry UEMtoAzureprovides your organization with the following features:
ConnectBlackBerry UEMtoAzureActive Directoryand create directory user accounts inBlackBerry UEMby
searching for and importing user data from the company directory. Directory users can use their directory
credentials to accessBlackBerry UEM Self-Service. If you assign an administrative role to directory users, the
users can also use their directory credentials to log into the management console.
ManageWindows 10apps inBlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry UEMsupports configuring only oneAzuretenant. To connectBlackBerry UEMtoAzure, you perform
the following actions:
Step Action
Create a Microsoft Azure account.
If your organization usesAzureActive Directory,configureBlackBerry UEM Cloudto
synchronize withAzureActive Directory.
If your organization uses an on-premisesMicrosoft Active Directoryand you want to
useBlackBerry UEMto deploy apps managed byMicrosoft Intuneor manageWindows
10apps,SynchronizeMicrosoft Active DirectorywithMicrosoft Azure.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|38
Step Action
Create enterprise applications in Azureto allowBlackBerry UEM Cloudto connect
toMicrosoft Intuneand theWindows Storefor Business.
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronizewith theWindows Storefor Business.
Create a Microsoft Azure account
To deploy apps protected by Microsoft Intune to iOS and Android devices or manage Windows 10 apps in
BlackBerry UEM, you must have a Microsoft Azure account and authenticate BlackBerry UEM with Azure.
Complete this task if your organization doesn't have a Microsoft Azure account.
1. Go to and click Free account, then follow the prompts to create the account.
You are required to provide credit card information to create the account.
2. Sign in to the Azure management portal at and log in with the username and
password you created when you signed up.
SynchronizeMicrosoft Active DirectorywithMicrosoft Azure
To allowWindows 10users to install online apps or to send apps protected byMicrosoft
IntunetoiOSandAndroiddevices, users must exist in theMicrosoft AzureActive Directory.Youmust synchronize
users and groups between your on-premisesActive DirectoryandAzureActive DirectoryusingMicrosoft Azure
Active Directory Connect. For more information, visit
Before you begin: Create a Microsoft Azure account
1. DownloadAzure AD Connectfrom
2. Install theAzure AD Connectsoftware.
3. ConfigureAzure AD Connectto connect your on-premisesActive Directorywith theAzureActive Directory.
After you finish: Create an enterprise endpoint inAzure
Create an enterprise endpoint inAzure
To provideBlackBerry UEMaccess toMicrosoft Azure, you must create an enterprise endpoint withinAzure.
The enterprise endpoint allowsBlackBerry UEMto authenticate withMicrosoft Azure. For more information,
Before you begin: SynchronizeMicrosoft Active DirectorywithMicrosoft Azure
1. Log in to theAzure portal.
2. Go toMicrosoft Azure > Azure Active Directory > App registrations.
3. ClickEndpoints.
4. Copy theOAUTH 2.0 TOKEN ENDPOINTvalue and paste it to a text file.
This is theOAUTH 2.0 token endpointrequired inBlackBerry UEM.
5. Close theEndpointslist and selectNew application registration.
6. Enter the following information for your app:
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|39
Field Setting
Name <A name for your application>
Application type Web app / API
Sign-on URL Any valid URL
Note: If you don't have a registered domain you can use: http://
7. ClickCreate.
8. Click on the app you just created.
9. Copy theApplication IDof your application and paste it to a text file.
This is theClient IDrequired inBlackBerry UEM.
10.If you are creating the application to useMicrosoft Intune, clickRequired permissionsin theSettingsmenu.
Perform the following steps:
a) ClickAdd.
b) ClickSelect an API.
c) SelectMicrosoft Graph.
d) ClickSelect.
e) Scroll down in the permissions list and underDelegated Permissions, set the following permissions
forMicrosoft Intune:
Read and writeMicrosoft Intuneapps (preview)
Read all users' basic profile
Read all groups
f) ClickSelect.
g) ClickDone.
h) In theRequired permissionspane, clickGrant Permissions.
Note: You must be a global administrator to grant permissions.
i) When you are prompted, clickYesto grant permissions for all accounts in the current directory.
You can use the default permissions if you are creating the app to connect to theWindows Storefor Business.
11.SelectKeysin theSettingsmenu. Perform the following steps:
a) Enter a name for your key.
b) Select a duration for your key.
c) ClickSave.
d) Copy the value of your key.
This is theClient Keythat is required inBlackBerry UEM.
Warning: If you do not copy the value of your key at this time, you will have to create a new key
because the value is not displayed after you leave this screen.
After you finish:
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business
Configuring BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business
If you want to manage Windows 10 apps, you must configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows
Store for Business before you can add Windows 10 apps to the app list.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|40
If you later remove the connection to the Windows Store for Business, all of the Windows 10 apps that have been
synchronized to BlackBerry UEM will be removed and the apps will be unassigned from users and groups.
When you configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business, you perform the
following actions:
Step Action
Create a Microsoft Azure account.
If your organization uses an on-premises Microsoft Active Directory instead of Azure Active
Directory, SynchronizeMicrosoft Active DirectorywithMicrosoft Azure.
Create an enterprise application in Azure.
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business.
Create an administrator for the Windows Store for Business.
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business
Before you begin: Create a Microsoft Azure account.
1. Log in to the BlackBerry UEM management console.
2. Go to Settings > App management > Windows 10 apps.
3. Enter the information you copied from the Azure portal when you created the enterprise application in Azure.
Client ID: The Application ID generated by the Azure application registration
Client key: The client secret generated by the Azure application registration
OAUTH 2.0 token endpoint: The tenant specific OAuth endpoint URL for requesting authentication tokens
Username: The administrator username for BlackBerry UEM to access Intune
Password: The password for the username
4. Click Next.
After you finish: Create an administrator for the Windows Store for Business.
Create an administrator for the Windows Store for Business
To manage Windows 10 apps on devices, you must create an app catalog in the Windows Store for Business and
synchronize the apps with BlackBerry UEM. To create the catalog in the Windows Store for Business, you must
create at least one administrator account to log in to the store.
Before you begin:
Create a Microsoft Azure account.
Create an enterprise endpoint inAzure.
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business.
1. In the Microsoft Azure portal, go to Microsoft Azure > Azure Active Directory > Users and groups > All users.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|41
2. Click Add a user.
3. On the screen, enter the required user information.
4. Click the arrow next to Directory role and select Global administrator, then click OK.
5. Create a password or select Show Password and copy the generated password.
6. Click Create.
7. Click Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > All applications and select the enterprise application
you created.
8. Add the global administrator account you created as a user of the application.
Activate the app in the Windows Store for Business
Before you begin:
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business.
Create an administrator for the Windows Store for Business
1. Log in to the Windows Store for Business using the Global Admin account you created.
2. Click Settings > Management tool.
3. Choose the app that you created to be the MDM tool you want to synchronize with the Windows Store for
4. Click Activate.
Specify the shared network location for storing internal apps
Before you add internal apps to the available app list, you must specify a shared network location to store the
app source files. To make sure that internal apps remain available, this network location should have a high
availability solution and be backed up regularly. Also, do not create the shared network folder in the BlackBerry
UEM installation folder because it will be deleted if you upgrade BlackBerry UEM.
Before you begin:
Create a shared network folder to store the source files for internal apps on the network that hosts BlackBerry
Verify that the service account for the computer that hosts BlackBerry UEM has read and write access to the
shared network folder.
1. On the menu bar, click Settings.
2. In the left pane, expand App management.
3. Click Internal app storage.
4. In Network location field, type the path of the shared network folder using the following format:
The shared network path must be typed in UNC format (for example, \\ComputerName\Applications
5. Click Save.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|42
Add aWindows 10app to the app list
To addWindows 10apps to the app list, you must manage your app catalog in theWindows Storefor
Business and then synchronize the apps toBlackBerry UEM. When new apps are added to your app catalog,
you can synchronize the apps withBlackBerry UEMright away or wait untilBlackBerry UEMsynchronizes
automatically.BlackBerry UEMsynchronizes the app catalog every 24 hours.
You can allow users to install offline or online apps from theWindows Storefor Business app catalog. Offline
apps are downloaded byBlackBerry UEMwhen you synchronize with the app catalog. Using offline apps is
recommended because all management of these apps can be performed fromBlackBerry UEM, and users can
install them without connecting to theWindows Storefor Business. After the apps are installed, devices receive
updates to the apps from theWindows Store.
Online apps are downloaded directly from theWindows Storefor Business. To be able to send required online
apps to devices, instruct your users to add their work accounts toAccounts used by other appsinWindows 10.
Before you begin:
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business. For instructions,see the
Configuration content
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickWindows Store>10.
4. ClickSynchronize apps.
Allowing users to install onlineWindows 10apps
To allow users to install onlineWindows 10apps, the user must exist in yourMicrosoft Azuredirectory, and
the user’s email address inBlackBerry UEMmust match the user’s email address inMicrosoft AzureAD. You
can synchronize your directory toMicrosoft AzureusingMicrosoft AzureAD Connect. For instructions,see the
Configuration content.
Note: To be able to send required online apps to devices, instruct your users to add their work accounts
toAccounts used by other appsinWindows 10.
Add an app category for a Windows 10 app
After you set a category for an app, you can filter apps in the app list by category and organize the apps in the
work apps list on users' devices into categories. After a Windows 10 app has been synchronized to BlackBerry
UEM, you can assign an app category to it.
Before you begin: Add aWindows 10app to the app list.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
2. Click the app that you want to assign an app category to.
3. In the Category drop-down list, do one of the following:
Step Description
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|43
Step Description
Create a category for the app a. Type a name for the category. A "new category"
message will appear in the drop-down list with
the new category label beside it
b. Press Enter.
c. Press Enter.
4. Click Save.
App behavior on Windows 10 devices
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when devices
are removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Offline Windows Store
apps with a required
The apps are
installed on devices.
Users cannot uninstall
the apps.
The apps are
removed from
The apps are
removed from
Online Windows Store
apps with a required
The apps are
installed on devices.
Users cannot uninstall
the apps.
The apps are
removed from
The apps are
removed from
Offline Windows Store
apps with an optional
Users can choose
whether to install the
For offline apps, users
install the app from
the BlackBerry UEM
App Catalog.
Not supported on
Windows 10 Mobile
Users are not
prompted to uninstall
the apps.
Users are not
prompted to uninstall
assigned apps.
Online Windows Store
apps with an optional
Users can choose
whether to install the
For online apps, users
install the app from
the Windows Store
app on their devices.
Not supported on
Windows 10 Mobile
Users are not
prompted to uninstall
the apps.
Users are not
prompted to uninstall
the apps.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|44
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when devices
are removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps with a
required disposition
Not supported Not supported Not supported
Internal apps with an
optional disposition
Not supported Not supported Not supported
Setting up network connections forBlackBerry Dynamicsapps
BlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profiles define the network connections, Internet domains, IP address ranges,
and app servers that devices can connect to when usingBlackBerry Dynamicsapps.
BlackBerry UEMincludes a DefaultBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile with preconfigured settings. If
noBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile is assigned to a user account or a user group that a user belongs
to,BlackBerry UEMsends the DefaultBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile to a user's devices.BlackBerry
UEMautomatically sends aBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile to a device when a user activates
it, when you update an assignedBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile, or when a differentBlackBerry
Dynamicsconnectivity profile is assigned to a user account or device.
Create aBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickNetworks and connections > BlackBerrry Dynamics connectivity
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. Configure the appropriate values for the profile settings. For more information about each profile setting,
seeBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile settings.
6. To add an app server for aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp, seeAdd an app server to aBlackBerry
Dynamicsconnectivity profile.
7. ClickAdd.
After you finish: If necessary,rank profiles.
Add an app server to aBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile
If you have aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp that is served from an app server or web server, you can specify the name
of that server and the priority of theBlackBerry Proxyclusters used for communication with it.
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickNetworks and connections > BlackBerry Dynamics connectivity.
3. Click theBlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile that you want to add an app server to.
Click .
5. UnderApp servers, clickAdd.
6. Select theBlackBerry Dynamicsapp that you want to add an app server for.
7. ClickSave.
In the table for the app, click .
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|45
9. In theServerfield, specify the FQDN of the app server.
10.In thePortfield, specify the port of theBlackBerry Proxycluster that is used to access the server.
11.In thePrioritydrop-down list, specify the priority of theBlackBerry Proxycluster that must be used to reach the
12.In thePrimary BlackBerry Proxy clusterdrop-down list, specify the name of theBlackBerry Proxycluster that
you want to set as the primary cluster.
13.In theSecondary BlackBerry Proxy clusterdrop-down list, specify the name of theBlackBerry Proxycluster
that you want to set as the secondary cluster.
BlackBerry Dynamicsconnectivity profile settings
profile setting
Domain Specify the Internet domains that you want to allow access to. For
example,allows access to any server in the
domain.BlackBerry Dynamicsapps are allowed to connect through your
organization's firewall to any server in the listed domains and their subdomains.
Primary and
Specify the fully qualified domain name, port and priority of theBlackBerry
Proxyclusters that must be used to reach the domain.
Default domains
Domain Specify the default allowed domains (for example,BlackBerry
Dynamicsapps may try to connect to an unqualified hostname like "portal" instead
of using a fully qualified name like "". The domains in this
list will be appended to unqualified hostnames to construct fully qualified names.
Additional servers
Server Specify the fully qualified domain name of any additional servers thatBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps can connect to. Add servers to this list instead of using the
"Allowed Domains" list if you wantBlackBerry Dynamicsapps to connect only to
certain servers and not to every server in a domain.
IP address ranges
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|46
profile setting
Range Specify a range of IP addresses thatBlackBerry Dynamicsapps can access.
Address ranges must be entered with a lower and upper bound address (for
example, or in IPv4 CIDR notation (for example, For example:
Discrete addresses:
An entire subnet:
App servers If you have aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp that is served from an app server or web
server, you can specify the name of the server and the priority of theBlackBerry
Proxyclusters used for communication with it.
For more information, seeAdd an app server to aBlackBerry
Dynamicsconnectivity profile.
|Configuring UEM to manage apps forWindows 10devices|47
Remote management for Windows 10 devices
Send commands to devices over the wireless network to protect device data. You can also locate devices on a
map and control which devices can accessExchange ActiveSync.
Sending commands to users and devices
You can send various commands over the wireless network to manage user accounts and devices. The list of
commands that are available depends on the device type and activation type. You can send commands to a
specific user or device, or you can send commands to multiple users and devices using bulk commands.
For example, you can use commands in the following circumstances:
If a device is temporarily misplaced, you can send a command to lock the device or delete work data from the
If you want to redistribute a device to another user in your organization, or if a device is lost or stolen, you can
send a command to delete all data from the device.
When an employee leaves your organization, you can send a command to the user's personal device to delete
only the work data.
If a user forgets the work space password, you can send a command to reset the work space password.
Send a command to a device
Before you begin:
If you want to set an expiry period for commands that delete data from devices in BlackBerry UEM, see Set an
expiry time for commands.
1. On the menu bar, click Users > Managed devices.
2. Search for a user account.
3. In the search results, click the name of the user account.
4. Click the device tab.
5. In the Manage device window, select the command that you want to send to the device.
Send a bulk command
You can send a command to multiple user accounts or devices at the same time by selecting the users or devices
from the user list and sending a bulk command.
Before you begin: If you want to set an expiry period for commands that delete data from devices, seeSet an
expiry time for commands.
1. On the menu bar, clickUsers > Managed devices.
2. If necessary,filter the user list.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
Select the check box at the top of the user list to select all users and devices in the list.
Select the check box for each user and device that you want to include. You can use Shift+click to select
multiple users.
4. From the menu, click one of the following icons:
|Remote management for Windows 10 devices|48
Icon Description
Locate devices
You can select a maximum of 100 devices at a time.
For more information, seeLocate a device.
Send email
For more information, seeSend an email to users.
Send activation email
For more information, seeSend an activation email to multiple users.
Add to user groups
You can select a maximum of 200 devices at a time.
For more information, seeAdd users to user groups.
For more information, seeExport the user list to a .csv file.
Remove devices
To use this bulk command, you must be a Security Administrator. You can select a
maximum of 200 devices at a time.
For more information, seeCommands forWindows 10devices.
Update device information.
For more information, seeCommands forWindows 10devices.
Delete all device data
To use this command, you must be a Security Administrator. You can select a
maximum of 200 devices at a time.
For more information, seeCommands reference.
Delete only work data
To use this command, you must be a Security Administrator. You can select a
maximum of 200 devices at a time.
For more information, seeCommands reference.
Edit device ownership
You can select a maximum of 100 devices at a time.
For more information, seeChange the device ownership label.
|Remote management for Windows 10 devices|49
Icon Description
Change console passwords
You can send aBlackBerry UEM Self-Servicepassword to multiple users at one time.
For more information, seeSend a BlackBerry UEM Self-Service password to multiple
Set an expiry time for commands
When you send the "Delete all device data" or "Delete only work data" command to a device, the device must
connect toBlackBerry UEMfor the command to complete. If the device is unable to connect toBlackBerry UEM,
the command remains in pending status and the device is not removed fromBlackBerry UEMunless you manually
remove it. Alternatively, you can configureBlackBerry UEMto automatically remove devices when the commands
do not complete after a specified amount of time.
1. On the menu bar, clickSettings > General settings > Delete command expiry.
2. For one or both ofDelete all device dataandDelete only work data, selectAutomatically remove the device if
the command has not completed.
3. In theCommand expirationfield, type the number of days after which the command expires and the device is
automatically removed fromBlackBerry UEM.
4. ClickSave.
Commands reference
The commands you can send to devices depends on the device type and activation type. Some commands can be
sent to multiple devices at a time.
Commands forWindows 10devices
Command Description
Update device
This command sends and receives updated device information. For example, you
can send newly updated IT policy rules or profiles to a device, and receive updated
information about a device such as OS version or battery level.
To send this command to multiple devices, seeSend a bulk command.
View device
This command displays any actions that are in progress on a device. For more
information, seeViewing device actions.
View device report This command displays detailed information about a device. You can export and save the
device report on your computer. For more information, seeView and save a device report.
Remove device This command removes the device fromBlackBerry UEM. The device may continue to
receive email and other work data.
To send this command to multiple devices, seeSend a bulk command.
|Remote management for Windows 10 devices|50
Command Description
Delete only work
This command deletes work data, including the IT policy, profiles, apps, and certificates
that are on the device, and optionally, deletes the device fromBlackBerry UEM.
The user account is not deleted when you send this command.
After you send this command, you are given the option of deleting the device
fromBlackBerry UEM. If the device is unable to connect toBlackBerry UEM, you can
remove the device fromBlackBerry UEM. If the device connects toBlackBerry UEMafter
you removed it, only the work data is deleted from the device, including the work space, if
To send this command to multiple devices, seeSend a bulk command.
Delete all device
This command deletes all user information and app data that the device stores. It returns
the device to factory defaults and optionally, deletes the device fromBlackBerry UEM.
After you send this command, you are given the option of deleting the device
fromBlackBerry UEM. If the device is unable to connect toBlackBerry UEM, you can
remove the device fromBlackBerry UEM. If the device connects toBlackBerry UEMafter
you removed it, only the work data is deleted from the device, including the work space, if
To send this command to multiple devices, seeSend a bulk command.
Restart desktop/
This command forces devices to restart.
Locate a device
You can locateWindows 10devices (for example, if a device is lost or stolen).
Before you begin: Create and assign a location service profile.
1. On the menu bar, clickUsers > Managed devices.
2. Select the check box for each device that you want to locate.
Click .
4. Find the devices on the map using the following icons.
Current location:
Last known location:
You can click or hover over an icon to display location information, such as latitude and longitude and when
the location was reported (for example, 1 minute ago or 2 hours ago).
|Remote management for Windows 10 devices|51
ManagingWindows 10device updates withBlackBerry
InBlackBerry UEM, you can controlWindows 10PC and tablet updates using the following IT policies:
Update installation day: Specify the day of the week when an update can occur.
Update installation hour: Specify the hour of day when an update can occur.
Active hours start/end: Specify the hours when a user is usually active so that Windows update reboots are
not scheduled.
Delivery optimization mode: Specify the delivery optimization mode and options for Windows updates so that
updates are delivered in the most effective way over the network.
You might also set up compliance rules to prevent users from running unauthorized versions ofWindows. You
can set the actions to take when a compliance violation is detected (for example, prompt the user and, if the user
is still non-compliant after a number of prompts, wipe the device).
For more information about IT policy rules see theBlackBerry UEM policy spreadsheet.
If you want the marketing and sales teams to complete Windows updates after 17:00 on Wednesdays, you do the
Create an IT policy forWindowsdevices that meets the followingWindowsupdate requirements:
Set the installation day to "Wednesday."
Set the installation hour to "17."
Set the start of active hours to "8."
Set the end of active hours to "17."
Any other options that you would like
Assign the IT policy to the marketing and sales team group inUEM.
|ManagingWindows 10device updates withBlackBerry UEM|52
UsingBlackBerry Intelligent Security
You can useBlackBerry Intelligent Securityto dynamically adapt the security requirements and behavior of
your users' devices and work apps to their real-world contexts. For example, if a user’s app data reports a
geographical location that is not typical for the user,BlackBerry Intelligent SecurityenablesBlackBerry UEMto
dynamically limit the user’s access to work apps, disable certain device features such as the camera, and enforce
stricter authentication requirements. If a user's app data reports a geographical location that is typical for the
user,BlackBerry Intelligent SecurityenablesUEMto apply device behaviors that make it easier to access work
apps and resources.
BlackBerry Intelligent Securityadds a layer of adaptive security to your organization’s existingUEMorUEM
Clouddomain without introducing an additional software footprint.BlackBerry Intelligent Securityis a plug-in
that collects data from existingBlackBerrysolutions, includingBlackBerry Enterprise IdentityandBlackBerry
Dynamicsapps that are enabled forBlackBerry Analytics.
For more information aboutBlackBerry Intelligent Securityand how to configure and use it,see theBlackBerry
Intelligent Securitydocumentation.
|UsingBlackBerry Intelligent Security|53
Deactivating devices
When you or a user deactivates a device, the connection between the device and the user account inBlackBerry
UEMis removed. You can't manage the device, and the device is no longer displayed in the management console.
The user can't access work data on the device.
You can deactivate a device using the "Delete all work data" or "Delete only work data" commands.
Users can deactivate their devices using the following method:
On theWindows 10device, selectSettings > Accounts > Work access > Delete.
|Deactivating devices|54
Related information
Resource Information
BlackBerry Access
BlackBerry Workspaces
BBM Enterprise
|Related information|55
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