Dear New Resident of Sandwich:
On behalf of the City of Sandwich, I want to welcome you to our fair”
city. Whether you come from a large city or a small town, you will find
that Sandwich offers a high quality of life which is enhanced by its
schools, churches and service organizations.
The city is presently experiencing significant growth. As you drive
around, you will notice evolving commercial and residential
development. We are pleased that Sandwich is continuing to grow
and develop, while yet retaining its historical heritage. The Sandwich
city offices are located in an 1879 City Hall/Opera House. This
building was completely restored in 1979 and is on the National
Register of Historic Buildings.
What really makes our community great are the people! I hope you
will become familiar with the city and will join us for various
community celebrations held throughout the year. Citizen participation
is strong in Sandwich and we encourage you to become involved!
Following are some frequently asked questions our office has
received from other new residents. Our city’s government is here to
serve. If you have questions or concerns regarding services provided
by the city, please feel free to give us a call at 815-786-9321. The
City Clerk’s office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The office is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Welcome to Sandwich!
Yours truly,
Denise Ii
City Clerk
Q Who do I contact for services and utilities?
A For water and sewer service, contact the City of Sandwich at
815-786-9321 or stop in at City Hall, 144 E. Railroad Street. For other
services and utilities, contact the following:
Cable Television: Comcast - 866-594-1234
MetroNet 877-407-3224
Electric: ComEd - 800-334-7661
Electric Aggregation: None
Garbage & Waste: Community Disposal - 815-786-7151
Groot Industries 630-587-4673
Waste Management - 800-747-2278
Gas: Nicor - 888-642-6748
Telephone: Frontier 800-921-8101
Q Does the city provide garbage collection?
A Residents need to arrange their own garbage service; the city
does not provide garbage collection. There are currently four
licensed waste handlers serving our community (see above).
Residents should contact the hauler of their choice for further
Q When is my water/sewer bill due?
A Water and sewer is billed quarterly (every three months).
The quarter in which you receive your bill depends on your address.
You will receive a bill indicating the amount and date due, as well as
the number of gallons of water consumed. Feel free to contact our
Utility Billing Clerk (815-786-9321) to determine when your
water/sewer bills are due.
Quarterly bills are mailed the first day of the month and are
due by the last day of the month. We will assess a late penalty of
20% on any account where payment in full is not received by the due
date. Please note that the city cannot accept responsibility for
payments received after the due date which are due to circumstances
beyond our control.
Q Can my water service be turned off for non-payment?
A Pursuant to city ordinance Sec. 78-74, accounts not paid in
full within 45 days after the quarterly billing shall have services
disconnected. Service shall not be reinstated until such time that the
bill is paid in full, together with a payment made of $80 for
discontinued (shut-off) and reinstating (turn-on) of the service.
Q What can I do if I am having difficulty paying my
water/sewer bill?
A The City of Sandwich understands that consumers may, from
time to time, experience financial hardships that make it difficult to
pay their water/sewer bill on time. In a spirit of cooperation, we offer
customized payment agreements that enable residents to gradually
pay delinquent charges while maintaining water service. Please
contact the City Clerk’s office (815-786-9321) prior to your billing due
date to inquire about a customized payment agreement.
Q Where do I pay my water/sewer bill?
A Water and sewer payments may be mailed to the City Clerk’s
office, 144 E. Railroad Street, or you may stop by Monday through
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The entrance to the clerk’s office faces
Pearl Street. After office hours, payments may be dropped in our
secure lock box located on Railroad Street. We now accept credit
cards for payments being made at the front counter.
Q Why is my water bill higher than normal?
A Water and sewer is billed every three months and based on
consumption. The more water you use, the higher your bill. Please be
aware of your water usage. If you have an unusually high bill, check
your toilets, water softener or humidifier for problems. Perhaps you
used water outside on your lawn, garden or flowers. Once you’ve
exhausted all avenues of problems in your home, feel free to contact
our water department (815-786-9321) and we will be happy to assist
Check all faucets for drips. Replace worn and leaking washers,
gaskets, pipes or defective fixtures. A leak just 1/32 inches in
diameter consumes 264 gallons per day or 7920 gallons per month!
Check toilets for leaks--they are the most common cause of high bills!
Do you ever have to jiggle the toilet handle to stop it from running?
Place a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank after it has filled.
Do not flush the toilet for at least 15 minutes (or overnight if possible).
If the food coloring shows up in the bowl without flushing, the toilet
has a leak.
Q How do I go about getting a second water meter?
A The City of Sandwich offers customers the option of having a
second meter on their outdoor water hookups. This involves one
meter that measures indoor water consumption and one meter that
measures outdoor use. On the second outside meter, water is billed
once a year and there is no sewer billing.
During the summer months, consumers water lawns,
gardens, wash cars, fill pools and use water for other outdoor
activities. With a second meter, since this water does not enter into
the wastewater treatment system, sewer costs are not applied. The
cost for a second meter is $250 plus $35 for the plumbing inspection.
Water meters may be picked up at City Hall and should be installed
by a licensed plumber.
Consumers may want to research to determine if their costs
for purchasing a second meter will beneficial. Current water and
sewer rates are found on your water bill, or you may phone the City
Clerk’s office at 815-786-9321 for rates or more information.
Q I’m just moving across town. Do I need to make the City
Clerk’s office aware of this?
A Whether you’re brand new to the city or just moving across
town, please keep in mind that you must notify our office of any
changes to your address. Beginning and final water meter reads must
be completed when there are any changes. Phone 815-786-9321 to
make arrangements prior to your move.
Q I’m a new landlord/apartment manager. Do I need to
make the City Clerk’s office aware of this?
A Yes - and please be responsible and notify our department of
name and address changes for your tenants as they occur. With the
large number of renters moving in and out of the city, it is your
responsibility to verify that the information we have on record for utility
billing is correct.
Q I’m a snowbird and I’ll be away for a few months. Do I
need to make the City Clerk’s office aware of this?
A Persons who are absent from their residence for an extended
period of time can notify us of this fact. That way, when a “red flag”
alerts us that your water consumption has decreased dramatically, we
will be aware that it is not due to a faulty meter read.
Snowbirds can also notify the Police Department (815-786-
7261) and allow them to check your home while you are gone.
Q Does my group need a permit to go door-to-door to
solicit funds?
A In order to protect residents from scam artists or pesky
salesmen, the City Council has established an ordinance covering
Canvassers and Solicitors. An application must be made in writing to
the City Clerk and fee of $25/day paid for each solicitor or peddler.
The application will be forwarded to the Police Department, whereby
the Chief of Police will approve or disapprove the application based
on the finger-printed background check. No soliciting is allowed
before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m.
Q What projects require a building permit?
A To ensure compliance with the building code, permits are
required for most construction projects, including room additions,
decks, porches and patios, demolition, excavating, fences, adding a
garage, building a new house, building a shed and swimming pools.
Re-roofing requires a permit only if it involves replacement of the
wood roof sheathing (plywood) or the structure of the roof is being
Businesses should be aware that permits are needed for
installing or moving signs, as well as canopies or awnings. Anytime
the use of the structure is being changed (such as changing a
warehouse to a restaurant) a permit is required.
If you have questions whether or not a permit is required,
phone the Building and Zoning Department at 815-786-8802. Permit
applications may be picked up at City Hall, 144 E. Railroad Street.
Q What do I need to open a business in the city?
A An application for a license should be made in writing to the
City Clerk if you plan to sell, conduct, or operate any of the following:
scavenger service, bed and breakfast establishment, cigarettes, juke
box, pool table, dancing, amusement device, bowling alley, trailer
court, street vendor or taxi cab. Although the city does not issue
business licenses, restaurant and retail food establishments must
follow state and county codes and contact DeKalb County Health
Department (815-758-6673) to determine what requirements are in
effect. All businesses should check with the city’s zoning department
(815-786-8802) to confirm the type of establishment proposed is
allowed under the city’s zoning and building ordinance. Provide the
Police Department (815-786-7261) with after hour’s phone numbers
for your business.
Q Do I need a permit to hold a yard or garage sale?
A Although no permit is required, be courteous of your
neighbors and remember that posting your signs on public property,
such as light posts, telephone poles and other traffic control devices
is not permitted, nor is posting signs on private property without
getting permission from the property owner. Signs should be removed
no more than one day after the event.
Please help make our community pedestrian friendly.
Make sure your car does not block the sidewalk.
Q The sidewalk in front of my house is in poor shape. What
can be done?
A Residents who notice sidewalks with defects, in poor repair,
blocked in any way, or not handicap accessible, should report the
situation to City Hall. Repair work for these types of defects may
qualify under the city’s Safety Sidewalk Program. The City’s 50/50
has been discontinued.
Q What is the city’s “Brush Pick-Up Program”?
A The Public Works Department has free curbside brush
collection April, June, August & October. Brush collection will be
offered once a month, on the first Monday of said month, by ward.
Residents in Ward 1 will have brush picked up the first Monday;
residents in Ward 2 the second Monday; residents in Ward 3 the third
Monday; and residents in Ward 4 the fourth Monday.
Branches and limbs ½ inch to 4 inches in diameter and 2 feet
to 4 feet in length can be placed at the curb for pick-up. Please note
the following exceptions: Brush that is tangled or unmanageable will
not be collected. Brush which results from contracted services will not
be picked up, as it is the responsibility of the contractor to remove
and dispose of such material. Grass clippings, leaves, shrubs, vines
and brush less than ½ inch in diameter is considered yard waste and
will not be picked up.
Please have all brush at the curb or shoulder by 7:00 a.m.
Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) of the week of collection.
There is no need to phone ahead for the pick-up.
Q Can we burn leaves in the city?
A City ordinance requires that you may only burn limited
amounts of paper, cardboard, dry leaves or other combustible
material in a wire mesh burner as long as the material is dry and does
not create an offensive odor, nuisance or fire hazard due to location
or wind. Dry leaves may also be burned on a driveway, garden area,
or other open area. A responsible adult person must be present and
attend the fire at all times until fully extinguished. The hours of
burning are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
It is unlawful to burn wet cardboard or paper, rags, feathers,
wet or green leaves, green weeds or grass at any time. The burning
of any material such as rubber, tires, leather, tar paper, old batteries
or any material which emits an offensive odor when burned is
unlawful. It is unlawful to burn any material on any of the public
streets, pavements, curbing, sidewalks, parkways or alleys in the city.
The City also offers a leaf vac service in the fall. Similar to
the brush pickup program, the leaf vac will collect leaves raked to the
curb. Information can be found on the City’s website
( or on Facebook.
Q What are the city’s noise regulations? How early can
construction crews start working? How early in the morning can
I mow my lawn?
A The city’s noise ordinance, Section 50-64, states it is unlawful
for any person, firm or corporation within the city to cause
unnecessary or loud noises which annoy or disturb the comfort of
residents before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. on any day of the week.
If you experience a problem, call the Police Department at 815-786-
Please respect the green areas, detention areas and retention
ponds by not riding 3-wheel and ATV vehicles on them.
Help us keep the sod and grass in these areas in good condition!
Q Who do I report a street light problem to?
A If you notice a street light that is not working, perhaps it is
flickering or completely out, call City Hall at 815-786-9321 and advise
us of the location. (After office hours, please leave a message on
our voice mail.) We will, in turn, notify the electric company. ComEd
has provided “trouble-shooting” forms whereby we can fax the
information directly to them.
Q Who do I call in case of a power outage?
A In case of a power failure, such as during a storm, call
ComEd at 1-800-334-7661 to report the outage.
Q When does the city sound its emergency siren?
A Several warning sirens are located around the city to alarm
residents of emergency weather. Our Sandwich EMA staff, in
conjunction with our Police Department, will only sound the
emergency siren when a situation is determined to be a threat to
Sandwich. By sounding the siren only when the city is in the path of a
severe storm or tornado, we know you will understand its severe
meaning and react appropriately when you hear it. The sound of the
siren indicates that you and your family should seek safety and
shelter immediately. For additional information, please visit the city’s
website at and click on “Emergency Management
Please be aware the emergency sirens are tested the first
Tuesday morning each month, weather permitting.
Q Who should I contact when I see something out of the
ordinary in my neighborhood?
A We ask that everyone take a proactive role in the
preservation of our neighborhoods and report any and all activities of
a suspicious nature to the Police Department as soon as possible.
The non-emergency number is 815-786-7261 and, of course, you can
always call 911 in the event of an emergency. The police department
is located at 308 E. College Street.
Be aware of public safety vehicles.
Pull to the right for sirens and lights.
Q Where do I go to pay a parking ticket?
A Parking tickets can be paid at the Police Department, 1251 E.
Q What is the city’s policy regarding snow removal?
A The city asks everyone (commercial and residential) who
plows snow not to push it into the street or city right-of-way. When
you clear your drive, the snow should be kept on your property.
In the event of a snow fall of 2” or more, in order to allow the
snow plows a chance to remove the snow and do a thorough job,
please do not park your vehicles on a public street. Since U.S. Route
34 is a State route, our City Street Department is not allowed to plow
this highway. The State has their manpower and equipment to do
Maintaining your property and respecting the property of
others is the responsibility of each and every citizen.
Q Does my pet have to be on a leash?
A In respect to your neighbors, please control your animals’
barking and adhere to our law requiring all pets (dogs and cats) be on
a leash whenever the pet is off the owner’s property. Stray and loose
animals will be picked up and taken to the Sandwich Veterinary
Hospital. A redemption fee of $75 will be imposed on the pet owner
and must be paid at the City Clerk’s office before the animal is
released to the owner’s custody.
Q What can be done about cleaning up my neighborhood?
A Each year, especially in the spring, our police department
sends hundreds of letters with reference to mowing grass, junk
vehicles, cars without current licenses, and cleaning up property. We
would ask everyone to look at their own yards and see if there is a
way to tidy them up. This includes cutting tall weeds around fences,
wood piles, garages and other structures.
City ordinance states weeds and grass cannot exceed
eight (8) inches in height. If a resident receives a letter for not
complying with the city’s ordinance, they have ten (10) days to mow
before they are cited with a violation or before the city mows at the
owner’s expense. It’s important to realize that on the advice of our
attorney and due to state statutes, we are required to give notice
before taking further action.
If you feel you have a neighborhood problem, we urge you to
contact your alderman, ask him to follow up on your request, and then
report back to you on how the problem will be resolved.
Q Where is City Hall located?
A The mailing address for City Hall is 144 E. Railroad Street,
Sandwich, IL 60548. City Hall is located in the historic Opera House,
and the entrance faces Pearl Street. The Mayor’s office, City Clerk
and Building/Zoning/Engineering offices are housed at City Hall. The
phone number is (815) 786-9321 for the Mayor and City Clerk. Call
(815) 786-8802 to reach the City Engineer. Feel free to also contact
us by email at
Q Who are my elected officials?
A Sandwich residents are represented by their elected
municipal officials. The city has a full-time mayor, who serves a four-
year term, and is responsible for day-to-day operations at City Hall.
Mayoral duties include preparing the annual budget and presenting it
to the city council for approval promoting the city’s economic
development and meeting with developers, appointing department
heads and members to several citizen boards and commissions,
validating bonds and contracts approved by the council, representing
the city at official functions and generally overseeing all city functions.
The mayor is available to receive your comments and suggestions
and may be reached at City Hall during the day, phone 815-786-
Aldermen are elected officials who serve four year terms.
Serving on the City Council, they are the legislative and policy-making
body of city government. The City Council approves all spending and
the city budget, regulates land use, approves the hiring of all city
employees, sets city policy by passing ordinances and resolutions
and authorizes contracts on behalf of the city. There are two
aldermen for each ward. As a resident of Sandwich, any concerns or
complaints you may have you should feel free to contact an alderman
in your ward:
Mayor Todd Latham, 115 Boulevard Street (815) 570-1402
Ward 1 Bill Littlebrant, 204 Miller Court, (815) 703-9828
Ward 1 - Rich Robinson, 621 E. Pleasant Avenue, (815) 786-6167
Ward 2 - Adam Arnett, 318 W. 5
Street, (815) 509-4128
Ward 2 Rebecca Johnson, 25 Elmwood Place (630) 550-6879
Ward 3 Bill Fritsch, 503 S. Green Street (815) 908-8854
Ward 3 Karsta Erickson, 619 S. Main Street (815) 786-9321
Ward 4 Fred Kreinbrink, 110 Kees Lane, (630) 327-0706
Ward 4 Rick Whitecotton, 945 Karen Road, (630) 300-8922
Q What ward am I in?
A Ward 1 - Residents living on the east side of Main Street and
the north side of Third Street
Ward 2 - Residents living on the west side of Main Street and
the north side of Third Street
Ward 3 - Residents living on the west side of Main Street and
the south side of Third Street
Ward 4 - Residents living on the east side of Main Street and
the south side of Third Street
Q When and where are City Council meetings held?
A The Sandwich City Council meets for formal business
sessions on the first and third Monday each month at 7:00 p.m. The
meetings are held in the Council Chambers, located in the City Hall
Annex, 128 E. Railroad Street. The meetings are open to the public.
Q May I bring an item of concern to the Council at a
A If you have a matter that is relevant to city government and
would like to address the council, you may call the City Clerk (815-
786-9321) and ask to be placed on the next Committee agenda.
Please call at least four days prior to the meeting date. Committee-of-
the-Whole meetings are held on the first and third Monday each
month at 7:00 p.m. These are work and discussion sessions. Matters
discussed in length at the committee meeting are often placed on the
next regular council meeting agenda to be voted on.
Q I’m unable to attend Council meetings, but would like to
know what happens. How can I find out?
A The agenda for the Council meeting is posted on the bulletin
board in the City Hall Annex building (and can be viewed from the
window) & the City’s website at least 48 hours in advance of
Monday’s 7 p.m. meeting.
In addition, Minutes are taken at each meeting. The Minutes
are the official record of the proceedings. The Minutes will be
approved and accepted by the Council at the next scheduled Council
meeting. Once the Minutes have been approved, they will be
available on the web site. Just go to and click on
City Council Meeting Minutes. If you do not have access to a
computer, phone the City Clerk’s office (815-786-9321) and we will
be happy to provide you with a copy of the requested Minutes. You
may also stop in at City Hall during office hours and view any current
or past Minutes.
Q Where can I look up a city ordinance?
A The Municipal Code Book for the city of Sandwich contains
ordinances adopted and enacted by the City Council. Copies of the
Code Book are available at City Hall for persons to examine. The
Municipal Code may also be viewed on-line at the city’s web site, Residents are always welcome to call the City
Clerk’s office if they have a question about a specific city ordinance,
and we will be happy to forward a copy of that ordinance to you.
Q Where can I go to register to vote?
A Residents not already registered to vote and desiring to do so
may stop by City Hall and see one of the Deputy Registrars.
Registration requirements are that a person must be 18 years or
older, must be a resident for at least 30 days preceding any election,
and must be a citizen of the United States. Persons must provide two
forms of identification, one of which must contain the current address
of the registrant.
Q Does the City Clerk’s office provide notary service?
A The City provides notary services to its residents. There are
notaries available at City Hall for your convenience at no charge. A
notary is actually witnessing you sign a document and not verifying
the accuracy of the document being signed. Do not pre-sign your
document before coming into a notary’s office. A notary cannot
“certify” a true copy of your document. That needs to be taken care of
at the place of origin of the document.
Q How do I obtain a copy of my Birth Certificate or Death
Certificate or obtain a Marriage License?
A Copies of birth and death certificates and marriage licenses
from DeKalb County are obtained from the DeKalb County Clerk and
Recorder’s Office, at 110 E. Sycamore Street in Sycamore, or by
calling 815-895-7149. For documents from Kendall County phone the
County Clerk at 630-553-4104, and from LaSalle County phone the
County Clerk at 815-434-8202.
Q Who do I call about a question on my tax bill?
A Tax billing and payment questions for residents in DeKalb
County should be directed to the DeKalb County Treasurer, 110 E.
Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL 60178 or by calling 815-895-7112.
Kendall County residents should contact the Kendall County
Treasurer, 111 Fox Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 or by calling 630-553-
Q Who do I call about a question regarding my home’s
A The township assessor can explain how your assessment
was determined. Persons should also contact the Township Assessor
to sign up for the Homestead Exemption and Senior Homestead
Exemption. For residents in DeKalb County, questions may be
directed to Sandwich Township Assessor Sheila Johnson, 201 W.
Center Street, Sandwich, IL 60548 or by calling 815-786-2828. For
those Sandwich residents whose homes are in Kendall County,
contact Monica Kleinmaier, Little Rock Township Assessor, 611 W.
Main Street, Plano, IL 60545, or phone 630-552-1316.
Q Where do my children attend school?
A Sandwich Community Unit School District #430 can be
reached at 815-786-2187. The central office for the school district is
located at 720 S. Wells Street. Phone the central office or visit their
web site at if you have any questions.
Q When is the Sandwich Fair held each year?
A The Sandwich Fair boasts the largest number of exhibitor
entries of any Illinois fair and is always held Wednesday through
Sunday following Labor Day. The Sandwich Fair is the oldest and
longest continuous fair in the Midwest. For further information,
telephone the Sandwich Fair Association office at 815-786-2159 or
email Visit their web page at
Q When are the Antique Markets held?
A Visitors travel far and wide to the City of Sandwich for the
monthly antique shows at the Sandwich Fairgrounds. These are held
on the second Sunday of each month, May through October, 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information call 815-784-5983 or visit or e-mail
sundayantiquesandw[email protected]
Q How can I get tickets for an event at the Opera House?
A The Opera House of Sandwich can be reached at 815-786-
2555 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Visit their web site at
Q How do I contact the Chamber of Commerce?
A The Sandwich Area Chamber of Commerce is located at 128
E. Railroad Street, Sandwich, IL 60548, and can be reached at 815-
786-9075. Visit their web site at Many local
events held throughout the year are publicized through the
Chamber’s office.
Q How can I arrange for a tour of the Stone Mill Museum?
A The Stone Mill Museum is open Sundays, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.,
April 1
through October. The building holds a great deal of important
Sandwich history, and now serves as home to the Sandwich
Historical Society. For tours phone 815-786-2092 or 815-786-7936.
Q Where is the hospital?
A Northwestern Medicine Valley West Hospital is located on the
north side of the city at 1302 N. Main Street. Their phone number is
Q Where is the library?
A Sandwich District Library is located at 925 S. Main Street.
For information and hours phone 815-786-8308 or
Q Who do I contact about Craft Shows in Sandwich?
A The popular Fall Festival of Crafts is always held the last
Thursday in September at the Sandwich Fairgrounds. Vendors may
contact Karen Hill, 815-498-9688. That same day, there are
numerous other craft shows throughout the town:
Crafts under the Big Top (downtown) - call 630-707-7189
Crafts at Indian Springs Shopping Center - call 630-669-5046
Crafts at Dogwood - call 815-786-8409
Crafts at Willow Crest - call 815-786-8426
The annual Easter in the Country (always the second full
weekend in March) and Christmas in the Country (always the second
full weekend in November) are held at the schools. Vendors may call
Deb Harkins at 630-677-2946.
Q Do I need a vehicle sticker?
A The City of Sandwich does not require residents to purchase
or display a vehicle sticker.
Q Where is the nearest Driver’s License Facility?
A The nearest location to obtain or change your driver’s license
is in Plano, five miles east of Sandwich, at 236 Mitchell Drive. The
phone number is 312-793-1010. There is also a Driver’s License
Examining Station in Mendota, 25 miles west of Sandwich. That
phone number is 815-539-7849.
Q Are there any services for senior citizens in town?
A Fox Valley Older Adults Services (FVOAS) is a not-for-profit
organization dedicated to providing programs and services to improve
and enrich the lives of senior citizens allowing them to remain in their
homes and participate in community life. Phone 815-786-9404 or
visit their web site at
Q Does the city maintain the Sannauk Forest Preserve?
A DeKalb County Forest Preserve District was established to
provide recreational opportunities and preserve the area’s natural
plant and animal life. The Forest Preserve District can be reached at
815-895-7191. You can enjoy fishing in the creek in the summer or
sledding in the winter at Sannuak Forest Preserve (between
Sandwich and Somonauk). For shelter reservations at Sannauk,
contact Steve Wade, 815-498-3086.
Q Is there a “Community Band” in Sandwich?
A The Indian Valley Community Band is open to all area
musicians. Call Carol at 815-786-8700 for additional information.
City Council Meeting
& 3
Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
City Hall Annex Council Chambers
128 E. Railroad Street
Committee-as-a-Whole Council Meeting
and 3
Monday following Regular Meeting.
City Hall Annex Council Chambers
128 E. Railroad Street
Plan Commission
Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Annex Council Chambers
128 E. Railroad Street
Zoning Board of Appeals
Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Annex Council Chambers
128 E. Railroad Street
Emergency Management Agency
Sunday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
Emergency Operations Center
207 E. Railroad Street
Sandwich Community Fire Protection District
Tuesday of each month; call for time
Fire & EMS Station
310 E. Railroad Street
Minutes from the City Council and Committee-as-a-Whole Meetings
may be viewed at
The Municipal Code (ordinances) for the City of Sandwich
may be viewed at
The City of Sandwich Zoning Ordinance
may be viewed at
Ambulance/Fire/Police 911
Fire - Non-Emergency 815-786-9241
Police - Non-Emergency 815-786-7261
Crime Stopper (DeKalb Co) 815-895-3272
Poison Control Center 800-222-1222
DeKalb County Health Dept 815-758-6673
Northwestern Valley West Hospital 815-786-8484
Sandwich Area Chamber of Commerce 815-786-9075
Sandwich City Hall and City Clerk 815-786-9321
Sandwich Economic Development 815-786-6789
Sandwich Engineering/Bldg Dept. 815-786-8802
Sandwich EMA 815-786-2261
Sandwich Fair Association 815-786-2159
Sandwich Library 815-786-8308
Sandwich Mayor’s Office 815-786-9321
Sandwich Opera House 815-786-2555
Sandwich Park District Office 815-786-8044
Sandwich Post Office 815-786-6716
Sandwich Public Works Dept. 815-786-9321
Sandwich Record Newspaper 630-553-7034
Sandwich Township Assessor 815-786-2828
Sandwich Township Cemetery 815-786-2751
(Oak Ridge and Pratt Cemeteries)
Sandwich Water & Sewer 815-786-9321
Comcast - Cable Services 866-594-1234
ComEd - Electric Service 800-334-7661
Community Disposal 815-786-7151
DC Trash of Illinois 815-202-1914
Frontier Telephone 800-921-8101
Frontier Internet 855-745-0869
Groot Industries - Garbage 630-552-9653
J.U.L.I. E 800-892-0123
MetroNet Fiber & Internet 877-407-3224
Nicor - Gas Services 888-642-6748
Waste Management 800-747-2278
Agenda for Meetings 12
Aldermen 11
Antique Markets 14
Assessments 13
Birth Certificates 13
Brush Pick-Up 6-7
Building Permits 5
Burning 7
Businesses 5-6
Cable Television 2
Cars - Junk 10
Chamber of Commerce 15
City Council 11-12
City Hall Location 10
ComEd 2
Community Band 16
Community Disposal 2
Craft Shows 15
Death Certificates 13
Door-to-Door Sales 5
Driver’s License Facility 16
Elected Officials 10-11
Electric Company 2
Emergency Siren 8
Fair 14
Forest Preserve 16
Fox Valley Older Adults 16
Garage or Yard Sales 6
Garbage & Waste 2
Gas Company 2
Groot Recycling 18
Historical Society 15
Hospital 15
Impounding Animals 9
Landlords 4
Leaks 3
Leaves 7
Library 15
Marriage Licenses 13
Mayor 10-11
Meetings 17
Minutes from Meetings 12, 17
Moving 4
Municipal Code 12
Museum 15
Newspaper 2
Noise 8
Notary Service 13
Ordinances 12
Opera House 14
Parking Tickets 9
Pets 9
Phone Numbers 18
Police Department 9
Power Outage 8
Sannauk Forest Preserve 16
Schools 14
Senior Citizens 16
Sidewalks 6
Sirens 8
Snow Removal 9
Snowbirds 4-5
Solicitors 5
Stone Mill Museum 15
Street Lights 8
Suspicious Activities 9
Tax Bills 13
Telephone Numbers 17
Telephone Service 2
Threatening Weather 8
Utilities 2
Vehicle Stickers 15
Voting 12-13
Wards 11
Waste Management 2
Water Meters 4
Water/Sewer 2-3
Web Site 20
Weeds 10
Zoning Ordinance 20
If you haven’t visited the city’s web site recently,
you will find useful information including:
Municipal Code for the City of Sandwich
Minutes of City Council and Committee-of-the-Whole meetings
Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Map
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Map
Information for New Residents
History of Sandwich and City Hall/Opera House
Public Safety, including EMA, Police and a link to the Fire
Links to various community and service organizations
Electronic Recycling Guidelines
Leaf Removal Program
Go to
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Due diligence has been taken to provide accurate information. However,
errors, omissions and/or changes may occur. Please notify the City Clerk of
any information you know to be incorrect. Thank you.
April, 2023