# _MICRODOT [{'title': 'Data Security Classification', 'text': 'Internal'}]_END
# _MICRODOT [{'title': 'Dat
a Security Classification', 'text': 'Internal'}]_EN
Please use the enclosed form to dispute credit reporting information only for your
Capital One auto loan. We’ll mail you a response within 30 days of receiving your
dispute. Visit our website
to file a dispute about other Capital One financial products,
such as a Capital One credit card.
If you believe you may be a victim of fraud, including identity the, please call us at
Return the completed enclosed form and supporting documents by fax to 877-889-5643,
ATTN: Credit Bureau Dispute, or by mail to:
ATTN: COAF Credit Bureau Dispute
Capital One Auto Finance
P.O. Box 259407
Plano, TX 75025-9407
If you have questions or need more information, call us at 800-946-0332. We’re available
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.
Capital One Auto Finance
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# _MICRODOT [{'title': 'Data Security Classification', 'text': 'Internal'}]_END
# _MICRODOT [{'title': 'Dat
a Security Classification', 'text': 'Internal'}]_EN
Providing detailed information ensures we’re correctly identifying you and your account during our
investigation. Thank you in advance.
Full name: ____________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _______________________________________________________________
Date of birth: ______/______/_________________
17-Digit Auto loan number (Ex. 62012312345671001): ______________________________
Last 4 digits of Social Security number (SSN): ___________
1. When did the disputed item first appear on your credit report? ____/____/________
2. Check 1 or more agencies this dispute is related to: Experian Equifax Transunion
3. Check the reason or reasons that best describe your dispute (reference the chart below for
I believe my account status was inaccurately reported (ex. My account was listed as a
charge-off or repossession.).
I believe a payment was incorrectly reported as late (ex. a payment made over 30 days
past due).
I believe my personal information is inaccurate (ex. name, address, SSN).
I believe my account should no longer be reported to the credit reporting agencies.
I believe my bankruptcy case information is inaccurately reflected on my Capital One
auto loan.
I believe my credit report is inaccurately showing an inquiry from Capital One Auto
Dispute reason
Information you should supply to help our investigation
I believe my account status was inaccurately reported
(ex. My account was listed as a charge-off or
Supporting materials on why you believe the account status is
I believe a payment was incorrectly reported as late (ex.
a payment made over 30 days past due).
Bank statement or other transactions showing the amount and
date the auto loan payment(s) was taken out of your account for
the month(s) in dispute.
I believe my personal information is inaccurate (ex.
name, address, SSN).
Copy of driver's license, Social Security card or other government
ID to help validate your personal information.
I believe my account should no longer be reported to
Supporting materials on why you believe your account should no
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the credit reporting agencies.
longer be on your credit report(s).
I believe my bankruptcy case information is inaccurately
reflected on my Capital One auto loan.
Supporting materials on why you believe your Bankruptcy Case
information is being reflected inaccurately.
I believe my credit report is inaccurately showing an
inquiry from Capital One Auto Finance.
If the inquiry was due to a dealer error, provide a letter from the
dealer. If it was due to fraud, please provide a police report.
4. Explain below why you believe the reported information is inaccurate. Use another sheet of
paper if needed.
5. What action would you like us to take, if any? Please know that any action we take will depend
on the outcome of our investigation.
Return the completed form and supporting documents by fax to 877-889-5643, ATTN:
Credit Bureau Dispute, or by mail to:
ATTN: COAF Credit Bureau Dispute
Capital One Auto Finance
P.O. Box 259407
Plano, TX 75024-9407
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What is the role of “credit reporting
agencies” (CRAs) and Capital One Auto
Finance in determining what information is
shown on my credit report?
Credit reporting agencies (CRAs), like Equifax,
Experian and TransUnion, prepare your credit
report. A CRA receives credit information from
“furnishers,” like lenders and auto finance
companies, that extend credit. Information
provided by furnishers, including Capital One
Auto Finance, must be accurate and complete.
We furnish information on payment history, such
as whether you made your payment on time or
late. On a monthly basis, we notify the CRAs that
accounts 30 days or more past due are
delinquent. If applicable, we also include an
account’s status, such as whether a vehicle was
repossessed or an account was paid in full or
settled in full for less than the full balance.
How long does my auto loan information stay
on my credit report?
Credit reporting agencies (CRAs), like Equifax,
Experian and TransUnion, decide when, how, and
for how long the information furnished to the
CRA will display on your credit report. CRAs
determine how long they will report information
about a specific account (i.e., tradeline), as
permitted by law. Late payment information
could remain on a credit report for up to 7 years;
account statuses in certain situations (e.g.,
bankruptcy) could remain on a credit report for
up to 10 years.
Of important note, delinquent payment history is
not removed from your credit report once you
become current, pay your balance in full, or settle
an account for less than the full balance owed. In
other words, your past negative payment history
is not replaced by future positive payment history.
This is one reason why it is very important to
make each and every monthly payment on time.
Can I get a late auto payment taken off my
credit report?
On a monthly basis, Capital One Auto Finance
notifies credit reporting agencies (CRAs), like
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, that accounts
30 or more days past due are delinquent. CRAs
typically display this late payment information on
a credit report where it can remain for as long as
7 years. Consumers, or credit repair agencies
acting on their behalf, don't have the right to
have accurate late payment information removed
from a credit report, despite what you might hear
Fact or Fiction? Late payments, even when
accurately reported, can be removed by
simply filing disputes using specific forms
and citing certain laws, or by repeatedly
submitting the same dispute.
As a lender that furnishes information to credit
reporting agencies (CRAs), like Equifax, Experian
and TransUnion, we have a responsibility to
furnish customers’ account and payment
information accurately and completely. Please be
wary of any online sources or “credit repair”
companies advising you to seek removal of
accurately reported information by claiming we
are violating your Fair Credit Reporting Act
(FCRA) or privacy rights by accurately furnishing
your information. These companies may even
charge you to use their dispute or complaint
templates. Consumers, or credit repair agencies
acting on their behalf, don't have the right to
have accurate late payment information removed
from a credit report, despite what you might hear
online. T he Consumer Financial Protection
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Bureau warns
: “[b]eware of anyone who claims
that they can remove information from your
credit report that’s current, accurate and
negative. It’s probably a credit repair scam.
Please also understand that Capital One Auto
Finance carefully examines any disputes or
complaints related to credit reporting. Repeatedly
submitting the same dispute information without
additional supporting documents, even if you do
so through different channels, will not impact the
Fact or Fiction? You don’t have to pay back
the amount you financed at the terms you
agreed to and therefore late payments
cannot be reported.
There are various theories (oen referred to as
"freeman on the land" or “freeman”-style
theories) circulating on social media or elsewhere
that allege borrowers are not responsible for
repaying the amount they financed. These
theories can take different forms, but they are
based on flawed arguments. Capital One Auto
Finance will not forgive your account balance
simply because you submit a freeman-style
dispute or complaint. Be wary of any online
sources or companies advising you to file
disputes claiming that your auto loan debt is
invalid under a “freeman” theory. T he Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau warns
: “[b]eware of
anyone who claims that they can remove
information from your credit report that’s current,
accurate and negative. It’s probably a credit
repair scam.
What should I do if I think my identity has
been stolen?
If you are a victim of identity the, you can file a
report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
and with the police. If you notify Capital One Auto
Finance of your identity the claim, please
provide supporting documentation, such as an
FTC or police report and proof of your identity. We
might request that you provide additional
supporting documentation beyond these items to
assist with our investigation. Once we have
completed our investigation, we will notify you of
our findings and any action we may take.
Please be wary of any online sources
recommending you file a false claim of identity
the in order to avoid paying debts owed or to
prevent accurate information from appearing on
your credit report. The Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau warns
: “[b]eware of anyone
who claims that they can remove information
from your credit report that’s current, accurate
and negative. It’s probably a credit repair scam.
What if I have questions about other Capital
One financial products and services?
Please visit our website at
capitalone.com/help-center/contact-us/ if
you have questions about other Capital One
products .
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